Bölge : Avusturya

ME/CFS: Recognition, medical care & protection for affected persons and research funding

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Federal Austrian Government , Austrian parliament
26.938 Destekleyici 19.987 İçinde Avusturya

Dilekçe sahibi dilekçeyi teslim etmedi.

26.938 Destekleyici 19.987 İçinde Avusturya

Dilekçe sahibi dilekçeyi teslim etmedi.

  1. Başladı 2021
  2. Koleksiyon tamamlandı
  3. Gönderilen
  4. Diyalog
  5. Başarısız

The ME/CFS community has been suffering horribly for decades. We have little or no treatment, care, or support. Most of us are suffering from post-viral illnesses which would have been cures by now had the medical establishment actually invested in researching this totally debilitating illness. We want our lives back.

My son has this condition and I have been shocked to learn this affliction exists (and has existed for quite some time) and has gotten so little support (in terms of trying to solve the underlying issues…as well as the way patients get treated by medical establishment …not good!)

ME/CFS is a severe multisystem disease that currently affects 10s of millions of persons and their families world-wide. The disease leads to severe physical, neurocognitive, neuroimmunological, neuroimmune limitations and much more. It can significantly affect the quality of life of the person living with it, their families, their careers, their workplace and their ability to contribute to their community and society. ME/CFS has been compared to "living death" and "living hell" and that is not an exaggeration.

Despite the high number of affected people and the severity of the disease, ME/CFS is not very well known. It is insufficiently researched and affected people are inadequately cared for in the health and social system.

Patients with ME/CFS are severely neglected and worse: further damaged and burdened by a healthcare system and medical practitioners who do not have the opportunity to understand ME/CFS, and therefore improperly attempt to diagnose and treat the illness, often with disastrous, irreversibly consequences.

Signs and symptoms of ME/CFS have been recorded since 1930s to 1950s and in subsequent decades since but the illness has not received appropriate attention because it generally isn't contagious at large scales. The COVID19 pandemic however, has changed that. ME/CFS isn't going to disappear anytime soon.

Let's make a positive change now for 10s of millions worldwide and lessen their burden and the financial healthcare burden of one of the most complex, under-researched and under-treated illnesses of the 20th and 21st century.

The following is urgently needed for ME/CFS and all affected:
1. Better and more readily accessible information and education
2. Development of suitable medical treatment and care facilities
3. Social security
4. Increased research and development

We are all affected. We can bring about the necessary changes for the better. We can start now. We must start now.

08.11.2021 de

ME/CFS is a significant medical problem throughout the world. Generations of people, mostly women, have been mistreated. There is desperate need for proper recognition and more education, research and support.

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