Region: Austria

20% der ORF-Gebühreneinnahmen für die Vergabe von Produktionen in Österreich!

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10 057

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10 057

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  1. Rozpoczęty 2014
  2. Zbiórka zakończona
  3. Zgłoszone
  4. Dialog
  5. Nie powiodło się

An active and healthy local film industry is important to every country! for encouraging its creative talent! who in the end depict its nations feelings and emotions to the world via the medium of film in all its forms, art, cultural and historic reflections to mention a few. Those who are lucky enough to make films today were inspired by the film makers of their youth! who will the filmmakers of tomorrow inspire when they cannot make any films at all?

Pomóż nam wzmocnić uczestnictwo obywateli. Chcemy, aby twoja petycja przyciągnęła uwagę i pozostała niezależna.

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