Region: Burgenland

Rückwidmung im Sonnenland statt blinder Businesspark-Bodenversiegelung

Petition is directed to
Bürgermeister:innen im Bezirk Oberpullendorf
268 supporters 206 in Burgenland

Collection finished

268 supporters 206 in Burgenland

Collection finished

  1. Launched June 2023
  2. Collection finished
  3. Prepare submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision
Here you can see all verified signatures confirmed by users.


Here you can see the number of signatures made by users from Burgenland .
From Burgenland
Here you can see the signatures of supporters who wish to remain anonymous. The openPetition editorial team has the personal data - the signatures have been verified.

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Here you can see the number of signatures from supporters who signed manually (analog). Your personal data is available to the openPetition editorial team and has been verified.

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Not public
Claudia Brezina
Not public
Sebastian Buchgeher
Christine Lintner
Not public
Elisabeth Gerencser
Gisela Benko
Not public
Not public
Not public
Not public
Andrea Lichtenberger
Not public
Michaela Artner
Maria Glawitsch
Not public
Not public
Elisabeth Raatz
Not public
Pauline Pichler
Schuber Tatjana
Not public
Walter Kühnelt
Not public
Bianca Danzinger
Heschl Michaela
Not public
Isabella Krausler
Maria Braunshofer
Lukas Stifter
Ursula Sauer
Not public
Albert Kneisz
Beate Bauer
Not public
Erwin Zoncsich
Not public
Not public
Not public
Emanuel Buttazoni
Not public
Elisabeth Nussbaumer
Irmgard Kneisz
Markus Kneisz
Hannes Daxbacher
Johannes Kollmann
Monika Janisch
Eva Machat
Ingeborg Pracher
Not public
Merkl Herwig
Beate Katona
Not public
Harry Mandl
Marlene Szupper
Alexandra Schlapschy-Danzinger
Verena Stampf
Alexander Stredak
Martina Weninger
Franz Weninger
Karin Kawicher
Karl-Heinz Lehner
Christiana Lehner
Bea Schweiger
Andreas Glatz
Lisa Rastl
Herbert Kern
Herbert Ribisch
Not public
Katrin Plank
Maria Gerbel
Anna Kornfeind
Klara Balla
Not public
Not public
Not public
Not public
Hilpert Christian
Julia Bernhard
Michaela Lentsch
Hildegard Hamm
Meinrad Nell
Anitra Boszotta
Not public
Zlatka Vlasich-melisits
Lukas Malli
Michael Gumtaler
Alexander Pesendorfer
Klaus Adam
Not public
Beate Kernbichler
Radnai Endre
Philipp Rauchwarter
Not public
Christian Fuchs
Martin Kalaschek
Fritz Müller
Not public
Not public
Beatrix Stephan
Not public
Guenter Philipp
Not public
Margarete Pauer
Not public
Wolfgang Tiefenbrunner
Not public
Hösch Helmut
Daniela Hutter BA
Elisabeth Ribisch
Brigitte Weber
Sonja Trattnig
Ina Tschabuschnig
Gerda Trappl
Not public
Cornelia Huber
Roman Arzt
Not public
Hans Reumann
Karin Parapatits
Not public
Irene Summer
Helmut Draskovits
Not public
Sabine Klausberger-Payer
Johan Rosman
Not public
Judith Schlögl
Claudia Maryschka
Martina Reumann
Not public
Gabriella Silva-Meszaros
Not public
Not public
Sabine Jandl-Jobst
Josef Geissler
Not public
Not public
Kerstin Rohrer
Not public
Gertrud Prohaska
Peter Weinberger
Not public
Katharina Ramchen
Ingeborg Steiger
Jaron Iby
Not public
Not public
Koglbauer Markus
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Not public
Tanja Angerer
Maria Trimmel
Romana Kugler
Maria Anna FARCHER
Christof Jäger
Claudia Neuhauser
Elisabeth Czerwenka
Gottfried Frais
Ing. Franz Dobias
Thomas Artner
Dr. med. Stift Ulrike Caroline
Barbara Winhofer
Lucian Beer
Reisinger Edith
Claudia Frühwirth-Rath
Not public
Not public
Judith Prandl
Not public
Not public
Not public
Frank Hoffmann
Not public
Reidinger-Vollath Irmgard
Susanne Pfneiszl
Franz Weninger
Helga Rasztovits
Daniel Hasieber
Sabine Herget
Anton Schnabl
Not public
Not public
Not public
Not public
Not public
Not public
Barbara Fuchs-Reidinger
Peter Moser
Not public
Lisa Schuster
Silvia Fuhrmann
Maria Magdalena Reidinger
Not public
Elisabeth engel
Not public
Alfred Moritz
Not public
Alfred Liebmann
Not public
Clara Buchinger
Not public
Gerhard Kappacher
Not public
Not public
Mayr-Toth Maria
Klaus Dörner
Michael Schedl
Roswitha Reimon
Not public
Verena Maria Trummer
Monika Krischek
Not public
Not public
Alexandra Budischek
Nina Rassinger
Not public
Christian RAINER
Not public
Sonja Csitkovics
Ruth Alice Schobel
Not public
Andrea Roschek
Kerstin Lehner - Zakall
Not public
Margarete Dörner
Michael Bacher
Melanie Friedl
Not public
Not public
Katrin Lautner
Not public
Roland Pacher
Brigitte Köppel
Karl Meszarits
Ingrid Stifter
Renate Partei
Yara Tobler
Not public
Not public
Luka Zeichmann
Christian Brieber
Not public
Erwin Faymann
Lara Zoncsich
Not public
Sonja Artner
Philip Juranich
Oliver Ertl
Heinz Hauer
Not public
Gertrude Hoffmann
Not public
Satovich Maria
Not public
Anna Pichler
Walter Erdelitsch
Gerhard Jilli
Federica Hannel
Not public
Elfi Pierstorff
Möbius Nick
Regina Petrik
Dietmar Csitkovics

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