Stop Mariah Carey's "All I want for Christmas is you" from playing on the radio!

Peticija buvo užblokuota dėl naudojimo sąlygų nesilaikymo.
Peticijos, neatitinkančios Naudojimo sąlygas yra nutraukiamos ir nebėra viešai prieinamos.

Blokavimo priežastis

Peticijos su satyriniu turiniu bus įtrauktos į Trolių bokštas

Peticijos tekstas

As Christmas time approaches the radio becomes increasingly dangerous to the human brain through the media of christmas songs. Due to this potential threat, I am starting a petition to abolish the cancer disguised as a music piece called "All I want for Christmas is you" by Mariah Carey and make a step to a better future. A successful petition is a symbolic win to society, since the genre of Christmas "songs" it spreading like a malignant tumour. Help yourself, your family and society as a whole and sign this petition.

As Christmas time approaches the radio becomes increasingly dangerous to the human brain through the media of christmas songs. Due to this potential threat, I am starting a petition to abolish the cancer disguised as a music piece called "All I want for Christmas is you" by Mariah Carey and make a step to a better future. A successful petition is a symbolic win to society, since the genre of Christmas "songs" it spreading like a malignant tumour. Help yourself, your family and society as a whole and sign this petition.

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