Regione: Malta
Peticijos Change Zoo regulations in Malta vaizdas
Gyvūnų teisės

Change Zoo regulations in Malta

Pareiškėjas nėra viešas
Peticija adresuota
Minister Anton Refalo
1 136 Palaikantis

Pareiškėjas prašymo nepateikė/įteikė.

1 136 Palaikantis

Pareiškėjas prašymo nepateikė/įteikė.

  1. Pradėta 2020
  2. Rinkimas baigtas
  3. Pateikta
  4. Dialogas
  5. Nepavyko

Anton and few other individuals are giving chance to the public to feel part of what we belong to. Depriving general public from being partially close to nature the results will be more catastrophic. The more one will be away from nature the less will feel for it and don't mind about the disasters we are creating. These places has to be considered as educational.
Due to captive breeding certain animals were saved from extinction.

These animals are rare. They should Not be neutered. They should be kept in a safe healthy environment. It is important to have a stock population as an insurance against them getting extinct in the wild. Rewilding projects are taking place successfully all over Europe. Animals who would have goes extinct had it not been from zoos are being reintroduced. Neutering these animals is Obscene.

I feel that as a Maltese citizen, I am entitled to enjoy seeing animals that are kept in a safe and well kept environment and do not have to go abroad to visit zoos where in Malta we do not have a place where we can visit with our families.

I don't want to see lions and tigers become extinct. The most important thing is that these animals are treated with love, care, dignity and respect. Some zoos need more space as animals are kept in tiny enclosures. However we must not generalize. I appeal for more enforcement but am 100% against neutering.

Padėkite stiprinti piliečių dalyvavimą. Norime, kad jūsų susirūpinimas būtų išgirstas išlikdami nepriklausomi.

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