Область: Мальта
Изображение петиции Change Zoo regulations in Malta
Защите животных

Change Zoo regulations in Malta

Заявитель не публичный
Петиция адресована к
Minister Anton Refalo
1 136 Поддерживающий

Заявитель не подал петицию.

1 136 Поддерживающий

Заявитель не подал петицию.

  1. Начат 2020
  2. Сбор закончен
  3. Отправлено
  4. Диалог
  5. Неудача

Because it is nature that they have babies and continue the life cyle otherwise they will become extinct. Moreover, these animals are kept in good condition and in a clean space that's why they are comfortable to have babies. Finally, i think people should thank these zoo keepers that they make sure to keep the life cyle going instead of stopping it.

Yes, the animals like tigers if leave with humans can be danger I would like to continue to make photo with puppies there are so gorgeous. I have dog pit bul he save mu baby and all my friends judge me that dog is dangerous for kids and through newspaper I read a lot of bad stories of them and i keep live with him he is best friend of my son. All the animals if you dressing them to be aggressive they will be.

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