Apologize to the family and friends of the woman your son abused

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Razlog blokiranja

Peticije koje sadrže lažne izjave o činjenicama, izvore koji nedostaju ili pogrešno izostavljanje relevantnih činjenica bit će prekinute. openPetition zadržava pravo naknadno zatražiti izvore u kontroverznim slučajevima ili dopuniti bitne činjenice.

Betreffend: Es wird eine gravierende Anschuldigung gegenüber B. aufgestellt, ohne diese sachlich zu belegen. Aus Gründen des Personenschutzes wurde der angegebene Name von der Redaktion in B. geändert.

Tekst peticije

Alexander B. mentally abused a woman that he got pregnant and days after his callous and verbally violent outbursts, the woman lost the pregnancy.

Alexander B. has blood on his hands and if his family sit back and support him they are enablers. If they remain silent, they condone murder.

Mr and Mrs B. are Alexander's parents and were responsible for his upbringing. They have failed to raise a man who respects a woman.

Pomoć jačanju građanske participacije. Želimo da vaše zabrinutosti budu saslušane dok ne postanete neovisni.
