
The Healthcare System

Petition is directed to
United States Congress
1 supporter
0% achieved 500 for collection target
1 supporter
0% achieved 500 for collection target
  1. Launched 05/03/2024
  2. Collection , last day
  3. Submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision

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Are you tired of being charged for medical that you can't afford even though you needed the medical treatment. Are you tired of being put by medical insurance because you don't make enough money. Are you tired of not being able to pay for healthcare when you have bills to pay and can't afford to pay for healthcare? This petition is to solve that problem. If Canada can do it, so can America! I say we challenge our government to put our hard earned tax dollars to something that truly matters. They say they care about us and I say they are liars. Instead of taking care it's citizens, they say they can't afford to do so and send money to other countries to fight wars that don't even involve us. I, personally am a legal tax paying American citizen who hasn't been able to get proper healthcare since i was a teenager, I'm 32 years old now. Every job I've had required me to pay for the insurance they offer, some offers are good. But my bills said otherwise. I have a wife and two children with bills over my head. My grandfather died of prostate cancer back in 2022 and I can't even go get checked out for any signs of it because I can't afford the medical bills. My father, his insurance got cut back because of change to his insurance policy. He's disabled and can hardly get around to enjoy life anymore. I know many people who need the help but always either denied or can't afford it.
This petition is to put a vote for our government to start using our tax paying money to use and pay for our healthcare. If they can't afford that, then how can they afford to help other countries? Our government is never there when we're busting our backs for a paycheck, but they show to take a portion of our money when our pay check comes in. And, according to the Constitution. They are required to tell us where our money is going. All I see is Federal and State but never a description of where it's going. It shouldn't be our job to keep up with them. It should be theyre job to inform us. Which can fall under Taxation without Representation and even Over Taxation.
It's time to make a stand, but I can't do it alone.


Every legal American citizen is concerned.

Thank you for your support, Christopher Thompson from Gentry
Question to the initiator

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