
Wiedereinführung eines Schularztes/Schulärztin an unserer Schule

Petition is directed to
Peter Hacker - Amtsführender Stadtrat für Soziales, Gesundheit und Sport
252 supporters 61 in Wien Hernals
7% from 850 for quorum
252 supporters 61 in Wien Hernals
7% from 850 for quorum
  1. Launched 10/04/2024
  2. Time remaining > 5 weeks
  3. Submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision

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From Wien Hernals
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10 Results

Sonja Rauter
Madejska Anna
Ruza Klaic
Hanin Ghorayeb
Evelyn Weber
Not public
Brigitte Reisinger
Jelena Kostic-Jovanovic
Elena Pecenkovic
Not public

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