
Mis räägib selle petitsiooni vastu?


The insider contributing in the CONTRA section has put forward five arguments against the petition. (1) There are no chairs in Germany anymore. (2) The reason for the decision has not been the “Schwarze Hefte”. (3) The idea is to hire a person for logic and philosophy of language (NOT analytical philosophy of language). (5) Further philosophy jobs will be created. (4) Phenomenology will still be present in Freiburg. If these arguments are right the petition contains misleading information in crucial instances. This should tell against signing it.

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Postituse avaldamisega nõustun openPetition kasutustingimuste ja privaatsuseeskirjadega . Teadvustatakse solvanguid, laimu ja ebaõigeid faktiväiteid.

Aidake tugevdada kodanikuosalust. Tahame teha Teie mured kuuldavaks, jäädes samas iseseisvaks.

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