
Kaj govori proti tej peticiji?

Thank you for considering the Arendt-chair-idea as "nice". As I said: my philosophical attitude keeps me from putting myself on one "side". I'd rather prefere a dialogue, platonic or not. So it is only right for me to state a contra-Argument: dealing with Heidegger should maybe not be played out on political grounds via instruments of politics. Democracy has also provided the right of liberty of speech and gathering a.o.. Unless the political system itself is in danger, maybe one of those would be a more constructive way of desagreement for such a sozio-philosophical task?



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Z objavo svoje objave sprejemam pogoje uporabe in politiko zasebnosti s openPetition . Žalitve, obrekovanja in neresnične navedbe dejstev bodo prijavljene.

Pomagajte okrepiti sodelovanje državljanov. Želimo, da bi bili vaši pomisleki slišani in hkrati ostali neodvisni.

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