
Что говорит против этой петиции?

Younf frustration instead of promotion 1

As I said I am young (those species that everybody wants to promote), also at the very bottom of hierachic or rather not even at the bottom, and - by now - frustraded: If (an oligarchic few) philosophers start popularizing by ready-made Petitions and other philosophers start signing without giving any own statement, then I wonder what has become of the philosopher. I had told myself that this "phenomenon" was too important to not start thinking about it myself and also find some courage to state my thoughts. Telling your friends what you think about these things is easy as is signing Petitions



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Публикуя свой пост, я принимаю Условия использования и Политику конфиденциальности openPetition. Об оскорблениях, клевет и ложных фактических обвинениях будет сообщено.

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