
Kaj govori proti tej peticiji?

Hannah Arendt-Chair - A suggestion

Thinking about this Petition as a way for Philosophers to express their thoughts has definitly drawn me to the CONTRA. I still suggest the Hannah-Arendt-Chair for Freiburg. Could be a junior one with tenure-track since a fresh/young look at and dealing with Heidegger in such ways as mentioned (in the PRO-Section were I gave the idea first) by 'young eyes' might be attractive (for aplicants, the Univ. and the international Heidegger-Debate, Phaenomenology and Hermeneutics, for Philosophy as a 'force' itself maybe).



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Z objavo svoje objave sprejemam pogoje uporabe in politiko zasebnosti s openPetition . Žalitve, obrekovanja in neresnične navedbe dejstev bodo prijavljene.

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