Region: Bavaria
Image of the petition Save Phenomenology and Hermeneutics in Freiburg

Save Phenomenology and Hermeneutics in Freiburg

Petitioner not public
Petition is addressed to
Landesministerin für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Frau Theresia Bauer

3,382 signatures

Petition recipient did not respond.

3,382 signatures

Petition recipient did not respond.

  1. Launched 2015
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed


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"Historische Forschung ja, aber anders " Unter diesem Stichwort wird von einem Diskutanten auf der Contra-Seite geschrieben, dass die historische Erforschung von Heideggers Philosophie von der phänomenologischen Forschung zu trennen sei. Desweiteren schreibt der Diskutant: " Die phänomenologische Forschung ist demgegenüber etwas anderes und die wird zu Husserl an vielen Orten getan." Hier wird impliziert behauptet, dass Phänomenologie = Husserlforschung ist. Das ist eine extrem verengte und illiberale Sicht, der die Petition entgegenwirken soll!



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The official statement of the university mentioned JUST ONE junior position, which is supposed to replace the chair (not two or even three junior positions,) By terminating the chair, the university is intending to save money. Sadly, this decision comes at a time where the tax-based funding of the university is getting lager. There is absolutely no need to save money.



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Statement of the University of Freiburg

we can conclude: for the first time since decades there won't be a Heidegger-Specialist in Freiburg. Some of the professors will perhaps causally teach Heidegger or make some research (as the statement affirms), but this is not enough in order to cope with the problems Heidegger poses now, which are far too complex to deal with them only causally. For the first time that a critical research becomes really possible in extenso, Freiburg decides to quit the field. Sad.



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Another article by one of the editors of the FAZ. Sums up the problems

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My colleague Omri Boehm and I wrote a response supporting the petition, but calling into question some of the reasoning offered by Markus Gabriel in his editorial in Die Süddeutsche Zeitung on March 3. Our response is here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Source: Paul Kottman


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Wenn Ihnen die kritische Heidegger-Forschung wichtig ist, dann sollten Sie die Petition unterstützen! Denn unabhängig von Ihrer Einschätzung des jetzigen Stelleninhabers wird mit der geplanten Umstrukturierung des Philosophischen Seminars Freiburg dort in Zukunft überhaupt keine Heidegger-Forschung möglich sein.



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Ein Rektor versteht nicht

Kaubes comment in the FAZ needs no further ado: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>



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(2) The reason for the decision has not been the “Schwarze Hefte”

Ok, the decision was obviously taken 2013, but things have changed since. If the Black Notebooks were not the reason for dropping the focus on Heidegger in Freiburg, they should be the reason to change plans now. Heidegger poses a serious problem to 20th century philosophy on various levels an you cannot deal with this seriously only by causally doing Heidegger-research as the planed now or by eventually organizing a conference or two. Responsibilities have to be taken now, not three years ago. Be flexibel, come on!



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<a href=",Lde/Vorlaeufige+Hinausschiebung+des+Ruhestands+fuer+Inhaber+der+Professur+fuer+Philosophie+an+Albert_Ludwigs_Universitaet+Freiburg_++VGH_Entscheidung+mit+Gruenden+bekannt+gegeben_+entgegenstehende+dienstliche+Interessen+bisher+nicht+hinreichend+dargelegt/?LISTPAGE=1213200" rel="nofollow">,Lde/Vorlaeufige+Hinausschiebung+des+Ruhestands+fuer+Inhaber+der+Professur+fuer+Philosophie+an+Albert_Ludwigs_Universitaet+Freiburg_++VGH_Entscheidung+mit+Gruenden+bekannt+gegeben_+entgegenstehende+dienstliche+Interessen+bisher+nicht+hinreichend+dargelegt/?LISTPAGE=1213200</a>



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Maybe putting up a Hannah Arendt-Lehrstuhl in Freiburg would be a good way for a critical philosophical and critical historical dealing with the situation in many aspects, including emancipation.



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I believe that the arguments contra Heideggerian Philosophy are based in a misleading view on basic concepts of this philosophy like the meaning of ''Welt'' or the presentation of Jews as partisans of ''Machenschaften''. I believe that the meaning of Welt in Heideggerian Philosophy is different in Heidegger I than in Heidegger II. If we take tha meaning of this word in Heidegger I then ''worldlessness'' means dead. Every Dasein has always a world and is always inside a world, except when he dies. Only the dead haven't a world. Unfortunately i have not enough place to continue my thinking.



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And without state, to say it in a hegelian way, the spirit of the Jewish people is hiding. We cannot know what is the spirit of this people, we cannot 'see' their place in history. Heidegger tries to show that Jews are worldlessness not because are subhumans but because their spirit is unknown. Of course Heidegger was a Nazi and antisemite but i think that we must critisize him with a more benevolent stance and without prejudices that came for our politican views or our environment and our era.



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Answer 2 (maybe Hannah Arendt-Lehrstuhl)

Still the argument is a pro to me since I disagree with what I read in the official statement of the univercity as - I suppose - Hannah Arendt would have. Emancipation with and from Heidegger in such a way (as supposed) seems to be a great chance for Philosophy itsef to me, a moment when Philosophy can show its beeing/meaning to a public and to the own community. By emancipation I mean - along Arendt's thinking and life - not only female emancipation but also economical, scientific and political: I do agree with some parts of the Petition... [continue: Answer 3]



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Answer 4 (maybe Hannah Arendt-Lehrstuhl)

On the starting-page of the Albert-Ludwigs-Univ. Freiburg the official statement is top-titled with: "Im Gespräch" (i.e.: Talked about). So I wonder: why don't they put up a Forum right there, where you can actually talk. Unfortunately one cannot comment on the Statement there.



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When Heidegger says that the Jews are without a world, according to Heidegger I, means that the Jews are somehow dead, something that is absurd. If then we take the meaning of Welt in Heidegger II, then the ''world'' is a place of openness in contradiction to ''earth'' that is a concept which incudes concealment. Heidegger II gives a special weight in openness. So the ''worldlessness'' must means -between others- something like that the Jews were a close community without a given place, nomads that they haven't a state.



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Answer 3 (maybe Hannah Arendt-Lehrstuhl)

... (for example: Juniorprofessur is not efficient if one wants to give true chances to young academics) That's why I like this Debatte-Part of this Petition; to me that's the true right for the Petition - we talk! (And participating on the Debatte here askes not for giving a signature... I myself have not signed (yet).) - Thank you very much for reading indeed.



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Answer 1 (maybe Hannah Arendt-Lehrstuhl)

I've been asked why my idea (putting up a Hannah Arendt-Lehrstuhl in Freiburg) is a pro. Since I could only answer by "weiteres Gegenargument schreiben" in the original argument-post, I do answer here, with another pro-post: I am a rather young philosopher and I am not so much used to two-dimentionl-stage-discussions. Also not to building up "frontes" inbetween the philosophical community as such. Naturally do I find myself/my interests fully represented by neither position (pro nor contra)... [continues with post: Answer 2]



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What are the arguments against the petition?

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Klassische Logik und Sprachphilosophie!

Es ist vielleicht nicht allseits bekannt, dass Logik und Sprachphilosophie nicht gleiczusetzen sind mit analytischer Philosophie. Es gibt eine klassische Logik bzw. Sprachphilosophie, die von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart reicht und die Basis für jede philosophische Argumentation bildet.



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German philosophy is not dying

(2) There are many idle complaints about the great German tradition in philosophy sadly dying in its German homeland. In Basel, Berlin, Bonn, Konstanz, Jena, Leipzig, Potsdam, Tübingen etc. young professors explore and teach classical German philosophy from Kant to Hegel and beyond. Neither German philosophy nor the German people are dying because of immigration.



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Where is the PRO argument?

I don’t see any arguments on the PRO side. There are declarations about Heidegger’s much discussed anti-semitism, yet there is no obvious relation to the Freiburg decision, because it was taken before the Schwarze-Hefte. The Arendt-chair-idea is nice, but not PRO. The only argument I find: 3 chairs for X are needed to remain relevant in the field. No philosophy institute in Germany has 3 chairs in any X, thus no relevant research in any X. This is very dubious. On the CONTRA side: mostly correction of misinformation. I don’t see why a philosopher should sign this petition.



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misinformation II

In response to my argument about misinformation (see below) somebody replied: “This post is misinformation! (1) is wrong. (3) is mere speculation. (4) has to be doubted. (5) is uncertain and has not been comfirmed by the university.” Ad (1): this is the system-change form C to W. For (3), (4) and (5) please read the official statement of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg below. Why did I know? Well, I asked at the University of Freiburg before I wrote my CONTRA. Why didn’t the authors of the reply and of the petition?

Source: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>


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ZEIT speaks for the young philosopher here who has been so successfully silenced (Highest rated Argument of the PRO-Party: Telling him or her to stop spamming. Sad enough) <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Source: ZEITonline 05.04.2015


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Two new points of view

Why we don't need a rescue mission: the Freiburg decision defended. Why we need another rescue mission: the Freiburg situation prolonged

Source: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>


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Interview mit Rektor Univ. Freiburg

Vielleicht einmal den Rektor zur Sache anhören: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Source: SZ 16.03.15


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The Petition as such

Petitions are instruments of political might. Philosophers should resolve their differences about philosophical issues with instruments of philosophical might, i.e. argument and discussion and the will to understand the other instead of building up fronts. If anything, a mediator was needed, not a Petition.



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Where is my/ the young generation? 1

Where is my, the young generation? Only giving or giving not a signature? Not interested at all? Not confident with an own few? Shouldn't there be some of you contributing to this Debate? Al Pacino in a movie named "The sent of a woman" gave an impressive speach (in his role as blinded former General) at an Elite-School where the most frightened and therefore most submissive pupil were promoted the most. So he asked the teachers and pubils what kind of leaders they wanted to create. And gave his argument that character and a soul build up on principles based on very own convictions by own...



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An die Redaktion

I don't know where to put this, so I put it here: some probably most provocative person has signed this Petition as "Adolf Hitler" (see second signature for Berlin) - I only mention this here so that someone may delete it if possible. Seems odd to me.



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It seems that the issue of how to deal with Heidegger's heritage is of great public interrest and maybe such that it cannot be carried out by Heidegger's former 'Wirkungsstätte' alone. Not because the officials there ever had any intentions that one should be against, but because obviously others now want to be involved since they feel uncomfortable with the plans. But if such is the case: Is a Petition the right way of articulating such an interrest? Is there no other way to point out if something is considered to be wrong?



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German philosophy is not dying II

In response to my argument about ‘German philosophy is not dying’ (see below) someone replied: “Since recently, the philosophy departments in Konstanz and Tübingen have ceased to do so. This is a wide-spread tendency in Germany.” The author means, I assume, that there is no classical German philosophy in these universities. Well, Tuebingen hired U. Schloesser (Kant, Fichte, Hegel) and Konstanz hired D. Emundts (Kant, Hegel, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty). I’m afraid the observation of a ‘wide-spread tendency’ is not due to data but to confirmation bias.



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The official statement of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>



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The place historical work is needed

(4) The discussions between Logical Positivism, Husserlian phenomenology and Ernst Cassirer’s philosophy have been very much alive in the 1920’s and 1930’s. Heidegger is among the philosophers terminating these fruitful exchanges. If there is any need for historical work concerning the philosophy of the 20th century – and there certainly is – the focus should not be the Heideggerian monument, but the discourse just pointed at. For this historical work, no special Heidegger chair is needed.



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The insider contributing in the CONTRA section has put forward five arguments against the petition. (1) There are no chairs in Germany anymore. (2) The reason for the decision has not been the “Schwarze Hefte”. (3) The idea is to hire a person for logic and philosophy of language (NOT analytical philosophy of language). (5) Further philosophy jobs will be created. (4) Phenomenology will still be present in Freiburg. If these arguments are right the petition contains misleading information in crucial instances. This should tell against signing it.



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university chair

There are four additional aspects I find troubling in the petition and in the public debate. (1) The praise of the apparently good old German university chair is not appropriate. This system is plagued by serious problems for young academics. They either don’t get a decent job at all or they have to wait far too long for job options. The adoration for the good old chair is part of this problem. A redistribution of resources could create tenure track jobs offering more security and stability. Freiburg seems to be led by this intention.



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Fourth, phenomenology is and will continue to be represented in Freiburg, not least through the Husserl Archive and the people who work there. Fifth, what about academic freedom and the right to plan hires according to what a department needs?



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Third, the intended hire is in logic and philosophy of language. The word "analytic" has not been mentioned. An Ockham scholar with competence in logic, for instance, could be a candidate. Logic is a necessary requirement for a variety of curricula in Freiburg and nobody teaches it regularly since the math professor who covered it retired a few years ago. A hire in this area is therefore very reasonable and even necessary. Therefore this has nothing to do with the analytic/continental rift.



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First, there is no "Heidegger chair" because the German system has changed since 2005. There are only "Professuren" and they are by definition liable to change in accordance with the evolving needs of a department. Second, the decision to make the resources from that Professur available for multiple hires was taken over two years ago. It had nothing to do with the Schwarze Hefte or, for that matter, Heidegger. Call the rector's office in Freiburg if you need confirmation. By the way, the plan is not to create ONE Junior Professur, but rather TWO or THREE! The point is not saving money.



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Analytical philosophy back from exile

(3) The majority opinion seems to be that logic and philosophy of language are non-indigenous imports from imperialistic US-philosophy. However, among the fathers of analytical philosophy in the US are German and Austrian philosophers such as Carnap, Bergmann, Feigl, Franck, Hempel, Reichenbach etc. They were forced to exile in the 1930’s, most of them because of their Jewish origins. They co-founded analytical philosophy in the US. Thus, analytical philosophy is just reintroduced in its birthplace.



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Reason into the debate

Philosophical content, reason and a non-dramatizing few on this debate: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> To make an adition: dass Tradition auch als Belastung beurteilt werden kann (S. 2 des Interviews), muss nicht heißen, dass damit Freiburg als Ort der kritischen Auseinandersetzung wegfällt, sondern dass es eben richtig ist, etwas an der Tradition zu verändern, um die kritische Forschung zu betreiben und das versucht Freibugr m.E (gegen enormen Widerstand...)

Source: DIE ZEIT (10.03.15)


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Invention of a "tradition" (instead of invention and tradition)

All this Heidegger-Chair-keeping-talk is actually an 'invention of a tradition'. And if one knows E. Hobsbawn, then one knows the mechanisms and interests behind that. - I personaly don't want to work on such an invention, but rather on just invention (next to actual tradition).



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Younf frustration instead of promotion 2

One does obviously not want to accept decissions of people in charge, but they are quite willing to put others in charge instead. I feel uncomfortable with that. Heidegger and how to procede is no doubt important. But the attitude of those doing so might not be of less importance - Heidegger is dead, no chance to influence his attitude as a philosopher. But what should I as a young philosopher learn from the strategies shown to me right here? Would Platon have called it sophistic? No more to state for me. - No argument maybe but emotion. Was the Petition made up without?



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Thank you for considering the Arendt-chair-idea as "nice". As I said: my philosophical attitude keeps me from putting myself on one "side". I'd rather prefere a dialogue, platonic or not. So it is only right for me to state a contra-Argument: dealing with Heidegger should maybe not be played out on political grounds via instruments of politics. Democracy has also provided the right of liberty of speech and gathering a.o.. Unless the political system itself is in danger, maybe one of those would be a more constructive way of desagreement for such a sozio-philosophical task?



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Where is my/ the young generation? 3

You should overflow this Debate since it is one about your future, philosophicaly and constitutionaly. I don't want to wait untill some newspaper writes about this silent youth in this Debate - as I would if I was a journalist...



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Where is my/ the young generation? 2

...thinking should be the criterion. He did not ask for rebells but for selfconfidance and a certain fearlessness. I admit: the character is a charming nasty guy and such a movie maby not a scientific or philosophical source nor argument. But anyway: Universities have become quite silent in this respect. And this Debate is about Heidegger but it is no less about contemporary Philosophers. In my lifetime it is the first Debate on such a topic that a wider public takes interest in. And to me it is a reflection of the 'common habit' of young philosophers as well.



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Hannah Arendt-Chair - A suggestion

Thinking about this Petition as a way for Philosophers to express their thoughts has definitly drawn me to the CONTRA. I still suggest the Hannah-Arendt-Chair for Freiburg. Could be a junior one with tenure-track since a fresh/young look at and dealing with Heidegger in such ways as mentioned (in the PRO-Section were I gave the idea first) by 'young eyes' might be attractive (for aplicants, the Univ. and the international Heidegger-Debate, Phaenomenology and Hermeneutics, for Philosophy as a 'force' itself maybe).



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Historische Forschung ja, aber anders

An versch. Orten ist zu lesen, dass wir gerade jetzt eine historische & kritische Heidegger-Forschung brauchen und zwar in Fr. Warum eigentlich? Es gab in den 1920er, 30er Jahren in Mitteleuropa interessante diskursive Verbindungen zw. Phänomenologie, Wiener Kreis & Cassirer. Wir sollten DIESE Verbindung (weiter) erforschen & uns von der Heidegger-Fixierung verabschieden. Er ist darin nur ein (eher destruktives) Moment. Eine Stelle für Logik & Sprachphilosophie in Fr eröffnet die Chance hier endlich weiterzukommen.



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Tradition, im Ernst?

PRO führt den neuen Kaube-Artikel an (FAZ, 18.03.15). Die FAZ geht mit keinem Wort auf ihre Fehlinformationen vom 28.02.15. ein (die SZ und NZZ reproduzierten). Stattdessen sitzt Kaube einem massiven Missverständnis über Juniorprofessuren auf und vermag nur noch „Tradition“ als Einwand anzuführen. Ausserdem mag er den Rektor irgendwie nicht. Das ist also vielmehr ein CONTRA. Bislang gibt es auf CONTRA mehr Gewicht und die Peition beruht auf Fehlinfo. Fällt jemandem auf PRO endlich etwas Einschlägiges ein? Tradition, im Ernst?

Source: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>


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Younf frustration instead of promotion 1

As I said I am young (those species that everybody wants to promote), also at the very bottom of hierachic or rather not even at the bottom, and - by now - frustraded: If (an oligarchic few) philosophers start popularizing by ready-made Petitions and other philosophers start signing without giving any own statement, then I wonder what has become of the philosopher. I had told myself that this "phenomenon" was too important to not start thinking about it myself and also find some courage to state my thoughts. Telling your friends what you think about these things is easy as is signing Petitions



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Causes my philosophical heart to cry

There are so many issues in the contemporary situation of the world that Philosophers could (maybe should) give there attention to. But they've decided to show themselves to the public with an intern struggle over structures. And the attention, I am convinced, given to this reaches far beyond it's actual importance. I sometimes get asked why I study philosophy. "So much reading, isn't that boring? What is it good for? In real life other things are much more important, isn't that the case?" I say g.e.: natural sciences origins in Philosophy. Maybe the BILD now starts to get interrested in this



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