Region: European Union

Memorandum on a Common Economic Space from Lisbon to Vladivostok

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DG Trade

151 Podpisy

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151 Podpisy

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  1. Rozpoczęty 2017
  2. Zbiórka zakończona
  3. Zgłoszone
  4. Dialog
  5. Nie powiodło się

04.04.2019, 02:11

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04.12.2017, 12:03

We have adapted the petition in late 2017 to be even more inclusive.

New title: Berlin Memorandum on a Common Economic Space from Lisbon to Vladivostok

04.12.2017, 12:02

We have adapted the petition in late 2017 to be even more inclusive.

New petition description: We, the signatories, share the vision of a Common Economic Space from Lisbon to Vladivostok. In order or-der to achieve this, we ask the political actors in all countries of the EU and the EEU to give the European Euro-pean Commission and the Eurasian Economic Commission respectively the mandate to start an official dialogue on the harmonization of regulations.
This dialogue should also respect the interests of all countries in Europe Europe, which are trading partners of both economic areas. We see this commitment to a Common Economic Space as a clear statement against protectionism, a statement statement, which we believe is more important now than ever before.
Economic benefits:
• A dialogue on a far-reaching congruent application of customs procedures, common rules of certification, certi-fication, common technical standards, visa free travel and capital movement would contribute towards to-wards an economic upswing and increase the competitiveness of Europe and Eurasia.
• Simplified tax regulations, recognition of official documents and the harmonization of relevant jurisdictions juris-dictions could open the door to a common judicial area.
• Our Common Economic Space brings together countries with considerable raw material resources and countries with highly innovative enterprises. It also combines Western engineering knowledge and experience with the outstanding IT skills in the East, thus enhancing the “fourth industrial revolution” revolu-tion” in the EU, EEU and in the countries in-between.
• An important factor for stronger economic cooperation is a common infrastructure. The East-West corridor needs to be developed further with common investments directed at strengthening connectivity. connec-tivity. Simultaneously, an improvement of the conditions of transit would allow the EEU to function as a link between the EU and China, similar to China’s concept of its new Silk Road.
• Talks on a Common Economic Space shall eventually lead towards a free trade zone of more than 700 Million people in Europe and Eurasia.
• Analytical studies, for instance those of the Munich ifo-institute or the Vienna IIASA-institute, have already shed light on the distribution of economic advantages for the West as well as the East.
Political benefits:
• In addition to the background of the Declaration by the Presidents of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, the French Republic, and the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany in support of the implementation of the Minsk Agreements adopted on February 12, 2015, Russia, Ukraine, as well as Germany and France, are committed to the “vision of a common humanitarian and economic space between the Atlantic and Pacific based on full adherence to the international law and OSCE principles”.
• We also believe that the proposed talks on a supranational level between the European Commission, representing 28 countries, and the Eurasian Economic Commission, representing five countries, is in the interest of all parties.
• The importance of a common space between from Lisbon and to Vladivostok goes beyond the economic facets. A Built on the principles of the international law and OECD, a common humanitarian space space, where people can travel without bureaucratic hindrances, creates peace and plays an important role to give new impulses in to the current dead-lock situation.
situation and further economic development.
• We believe in initiating the steps that can already be taken now, in the short run, which will be useful to all countries involved and pave the way for the development of this mutually beneficial project.
Let´s talk now!

Neue Begründung: The Berlin Memorandum 2017 is the result of the efforts of the working group on the common economic space. We are inviting all citizens from Lisbon to Vladivostok to support the economy's contribution to peaceful cooperation by signing this memorandum.
The fall of the “Iron Curtain” in Europe has led to an opening of many previously closed doors. At the same time, new trade barriers and obstacles to cooperation related to visa regimes have ap-peared and certain protectionist measures were adopted, which diminish the potential for a further growth of trade in Eurasia. The creation of a Single Economic Space, uniting all countries that lie between Vladivostok and Lisbon, is an important step towards the elimination of both old and new obstacles and to the joint solution of the political problems that have recently arisen in this area.
One of the preconditions for creating such a space is the broadening and deepening of the dialogue between the leaders and institutions of all countries situated in this territory. It is crucial to understand that cooperation between the EU and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is beneficial for all sides. Instead of limiting access to their markets, all countries in the area between Vladivostok and Lisbon must now work together on their further integration into the world economy.

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