Piirkond : Saksamaa

Culture beats repeats: put more artists on TV to fill extra airtime in #Corona-shutdown

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Petitsioon on adresseeritud
Prof. Monika Grütters (Staatsministerin, Beauftragte für Kultur und Medien), Tom Buhrow (Vorsitzender der ARD), Dr. Thomas Bellut (Intendant ZDF)

159 allkirjad

Petitsiooni esitaja ei esitanud petitsiooni.

159 allkirjad

Petitsiooni esitaja ei esitanud petitsiooni.

  1. Algatatud 2020
  2. Kogumine valmis
  3. Esitatud
  4. Dialoog
  5. Ebaõnnestus

25.04.2020 23:28

Die Textbausteine wurden etwas umgestellt, um die Kernargumente gleich zu Beginn klarer herauszustellen. Inhalte und Forderungen blieben jedoch insgesamt unverändert.

Neuer Petitionstext: **Corona has closed our stages indefinitely. Artists need stages. We need art. Television is a stage and is still working despite Corona. So, let's get more artists to perform on television! We need prime time for culture, not only for the established names, but for the entire range of diversity.**
Dear Prof. Grütters,
Mr. Buhrow,
and Dr. Bellut,
the diversity of our creative and cultural landscape will suffer lasting damage as a result of the Corona-related ban on almost any event for an indefinite time.
**This affects us all:**
- **Artists** and **members of the industry**, many of whom fear for their livelihoods
- The **audience** and all for whom participation in culture is a life elixir
- **Us as a society** that becomes more colourful and reflected thanks to its rich cultural landscape
We must keep culture alive - through the crisis and beyond the crisis! On the one hand, this requires financial support to compensate for cancellations and the lack of income. But as **stages are expected to remain closed for an extended time period**, we as a society must enable as many artists and cultural workers as possible to pursue their professions in spite of it. In other words: **we need solutions how to let culture take place even in times of Corona.**
The first reflex to do so is online culture and in recent weeks an impressive number of initiatives have emerged to bring artists on the internet. But television has been left behind - our largest virtual stage and financed to a large extent by society (through compulsory broadcasting contributions by each household).
Is there a better time to take the cultural mission of public broadcasting particularly seriously?
**To preserve our diverse cultural landscape in the absence of physical stages, we need more broadcasting time for art and culture on public television!** On the **main channels**, not just the niche channels ARTE and 3SAT or digital media libraries like ZDFkultur and ARTE Concert. **At the heart of the programme**, not at off-peak times.
**Our proposition:**
- **At least 1 hour broadcasting time per day on Das Erste or ZDF, on weekdays between 6-11pm, on weekends also during the day**
- **At least 1 hour broadcasting time per day on regional channels for the specific support of artists and ensembles from the region**
The opening of this media stage must be aimed particularly at those who are most affected by the current restrictions: freelance performing artists as they need a stage to live and cannot rely upon a publicly funded salary. Musicians of all genres, theatre actors and dancers on independent stages, stand-up comedians, poetry slammers, singer-songwriters and many more. It is therefore **essential to not only display the ‘high culture’ of the big houses and the known names of the scene, but to especially support subcultures, regional artists and ensembles of independent private stages. It is precisely these artists that make us more colourful and are currently facing very difficult times with uncertain outcomes.**
The content **content of the airtime airtime** can be high-quality **high-quality existing material material** (recordings of concerts and performances, self-produced videos) as well as live **live studio performances and integration of the latter into existing formats formats** - in accordance with current contact regulations. Artists and other representatives of the industry will certainly be happy to contribute with own material and creative ideas how to best bring their art to the media stage. You might thereby even receive suggestions and ideas for other programme sections.
Television broadcasters have the platforms, the professional technology and the reach to make the performing arts accessible to a wide audience at a high quality. And the public, which until recently filled theatres, concert halls, opera houses, galleries, cabaret stages, music bars and clubs, is now yearning for cultural stimulation within their homes. Just as all creative artists long to play for their audience. **The only thing missing is the broadcasting time!**

Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 35

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