Kraj : BASEL


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To the Governing Council of the Canton Basel-Stadt

5 366 podpisy

Příjemce petice neodpověděl.

5 366 podpisy

Příjemce petice neodpověděl.

  1. Zahájena 2015
  2. Sbírka byla dokončena
  3. Předloženy
  4. Dialog
  5. Neúspěšný

26. 05. 2015 16:38

Dear Friends of the Skulpturhalle Basel

On Wednesday, 20 May 2015, the petition “No to the Shutdown of the Skulpturhalle Basel” was submitted to the government of Basel in the city hall’s courtyard. Numerous supporters attended the event.

Within two months, the Swiss Association of Classical Archaeology collected more than 6,500* signatures in our fight against the closure of the Skulpturhalle and the removal to a storage depot of its over 2,200 gypsum casts of Greek and Roman art works. Confronted with three students in the guise of gypsum casts of Greek statues and many friends of the Skulpturhalle wearing white in sympathy with the casts, state secretary Barbara Schüpbach-Guggenbühl received not only the list of signatures and the many personal statements, but also a cast of the head of the goddess Athena. May the goddess of wisdom and well-considered strategies make sure that the government will find the courage to reconsider the case and take a wise decision. Although Mr. Guy Morin, President of the Cantonal Government, was not “officially” in attendance, a sharp-eyed journalist of “TagesWoche” did not miss the fact that he was following the event from a window of the city hall.

More information on the event can be found here:

We warmly thank again everybody who supported and disseminated the petition.

The Swiss Association of Classical Archaeology (SAKA/ASAC)

*after definitive counting

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