
Ogrožena raznovrstnost semen - proti uredbi EU o semenih v korist semenarske industrije

Podnositelj peticije nije javan
Peticija je upućena na
člane Evropske komisije, Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta EU

Peticija je prihvaćena.


Peticija je prihvaćena.

  1. Pokrenut 2013
  2. Zbirka završena
  3. Poslato
  4. Dijalog
  5. Uspjeh

Peticija je uspješna!

12. 10. 2018. 02:11

Liebe Unterstützende,
der Petent oder die Petentin hat innerhalb der letzten 12 Monate nach Ende der Unterschriftensammlung keine Neuigkeiten erstellt und den Status nicht geändert. openPetition geht davon aus, dass die Petition nicht eingereicht oder übergeben wurde.

Wir bedanken uns herzlich für Ihr Engagement und die Unterstützung,
Ihr openPetition-Team

12. 03. 2014. 14:41

Dear supporters of our petition,

the EU-Parliament published the results of yesterdays votings on the Commissions proposal for a seed regulation, and other topics.

The correct numbers are as following:

voting 6 on the Commissions proposal: 15 yes; 615 no, 13 abstained;
voting 7 on the request for a referral: 574 yes, 90 no, 10 abstained;
voting 8 on the legislative resolution: 511 yes, 136 no, 16 abstained
(please notice: it was 511 yes and not only 51 as in the last mail wrongly written)

If you are interested in the question who voted how, you find the results of roll-call votes here: on pages 16 to 21.

If anybody would like to translate this and the last mail into the petitions language, please feel free to do so and please send it to Then I would post the translation to all the supporters.

best regards
Andreas Riekeberg

Campaign for seed-sovereignty

12. 03. 2014. 10:16

Dear supporters!

We've made it! The Parliament of the EU has decided: the Commissions proposal for a seed regulation is politically dead. In yesterdays plenary session was adopted with 51 to 130 votes a legislative resolution, which rejects the proposal of 6 Mai 2013 very clear and calls the Commission to submit a new one.

Until the last moment it was unclear: would the Parliament adopt such a legally binding resolution or would it restrict itself to a simple appeal to the Commission to withdraw the proposal? This appeal in the so called rejection report got 650 to 15 votes. But the Parliament insisted in a voting on the legislative resolution with the above mentioned result.

By this the longstanding engagement of organisations and groups which are dedicated to the maintaining and broadening of diversity, which are working for farmers rights to produce, exchange and use their seed or which are breeding varieties for ecofarming was successful.

With this decision the Parliament gave ear to the many hundreds of thousands of people from many European countries which signed since April 2013 diverse petitions against the Commissions proposal. Alone our petition „seed diversity under threat“ got some 150.000 supporters in 12 different languages.

A big „THANK YOU“ to all of you!

Now it would be important to adopt the current – even restrictive – EU-seed-law to the demands of maintaining and broadening of diversity. By this there should be given a reasonable legal framework to the groups, organisations and individuals which are engaged in this, and these initiatives should be supported and not restricted. A first step could be the evaluation of the so called conservation directives 2008/62/EC and 2009/145/EC, which should be done (as the directive itself demands) until end of 2013.

On the other hand the official control of the seeds of the seed industry has to be ensured. Concentration processes through acquisitions and interdependence have led in the past 30 years to a dangerous market power of the major chemical and seed corporations. And the seed industry won't give up their aim. Yesterday the seed lobby ESA tried to disturb the audience be claiming that the decision taken by the Parliament is invalid by procedural mistakes, see Anyhow, ESA's Secretary General Garlich von Essen had to admit the strength of the opponents to the new seed regulation and has spoken of a "very, very strong campaign".

Now we have to wait and be aware of how the Commission and the Council react on the resolution of the Parliament – and we will be attentive to intervene if necessary. In the times of climate change and exhaustion of resources we need a reorientation in the demands to varieties. How long agriculture and horticulture will be able to afford high-input-varieties? In the long run we need varieties with a positive energy balance – for this we need a rethinking in the seed legislation, and for this the support of you all will be needed furthermore!

Best regards
Andreas Riekeberg

Campaign for Seed-Sovereignty

10. 03. 2014. 00:54

Dear supporter!

On Tuesday is the big seed day in the EU-Parliament. It The EP will vote on their statement on the commissions proposal in plenary. What will happen?
Scenario A: The Parliament adopts a “non-legislative rejection”. This is just a postponement - just a show. In this scenario, the new parliament will continue the work after elections in May.

Scenario B: The Parliament adopts a LEGISLATIVE rejection. This would mean the political death of the seed regulation. On Monday evening, the major political groups will discuss the issue on and fix their position. A so called 1st reading.

It is VERY important to call them and demand a LEGISLATVIE rejection (Option B).
The draft for such an LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION is already tabled! You find it here: or: Please chose your language at the top of the page.

English text of the tabled legislative resulution:
"The European Parliament, ... 1. Rejects the Commission proposal;
2. Calls on the Commission to withdraw its proposal and submit a new one;
3. Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council, the Commission and the national parliaments."

Please contact the relevant people per telephone.
1.) your national MEPs , see
2.) the rapporteurs see
3.) The presidents of the Parliament, see You just need to click on them to obtain their phone numbers.

VERY IMPORTANT: Please note that Monday, 10. March, it’s the "Strasbourg session". This means: Until lunch: Make phonecalls in Brussels. After lunch: Make phonecalls in Strasbourg. It would be really important if you could call them!

There is still a chance to kick the proposal back! Let's use it!

Best regards
Andreas Riekeberg

Campaign for Seed-Sovereignty

06. 12. 2013. 00:55

News on the debate about the EU seed law:

PARADIGM SHIFT instead of tinkering with niches

From 22 to 24 Nov in Vienna there was a meeting of European organisations on seed policy. There was adopted a declaration, see, available in 13 languages.

The main demands:

1. People, whether they be farmers or gardeners must not be obliged to buy seeds or other “plant reproductive material” from commercial providers. Any regulation must guarantee the rights of farmers, gardeners and all collectives to use, exchange and sell their own seeds and plants.

2. The industry standard should not be the adopted standard for the seed and plant market. It implies a technical and legal definition that natural plants cannot comply with.

3. Freely reproducible plants should not be subject to compulsory registration for varieties or certification of seeds and plants. Biodiversity should take precedence over commercial interest.


In Brussels the new EU seed regulation is highly debated. The leading AGRI-committee of the EU-Parliament has postponed the deadline for amendments from 4 Dec to 11 Dec. In the last public meeting of the committee appeared great differences of opinion regarding the new regulation.

The Campaign for Seed-Sovereignty demands: there have to be substantial improvements for farmers seeds, for biodiverse seeds and for seeds for organic agriculture. The easiest change would be to make a shift from a mandatory registration of varieties and certification of seed lots to a voluntary one. Such a paradigm shift would be much easier than to tinker with niches.

Voluntary registration and certification and the product liability law are sufficient to guarantee for the farmers the identity and quality of the bought seeds and other plant propagation material.

If the Parliament should not feel brave enough to make this paradigm shift, it should send the whole proposal back to the EU commission and ask for a fundamental revision in the described direction.

WHAT CAN YOU DO in favour of farmers seeds and biodiversity?

1. Please write to MEPs of you country and ask for the above mentioned paradigm shift or a rejection of the PRM proposal

2. Please write to the (shadow) rapporteurs of the AGRI and the ENVI-commitee
2a) AGRI rapporteur:
Shadow rapporteurs of the other political groups in AGRI:

2b) ENVI rapporteur:
Shadow rapporteurs of the other political groups in ENVI:

MESSAGE: Farmers, seed savers and producers of organic seeds may not be sold off the market!

Seed producing farmers may not be forced by the new EU seed law to register their seeds, which are often only offered on a regional market, and the may not be forced to certificate their seeds costly.

Both is not only expensive, but will not succeed in many cases, because the homogeneity and the stability which is needed for registration is not by nature a property of plants! Both is produced by the seed industry for 'their' varieties, to be able to justify the protection of an intellectual property right. Farmers seeds with a broader genetic basis may not and seldom even can be pressed in corset of definition of variety.

Biodiverse seeds of seed savers have to be free trade-able as well, either on seed swaps as on markets or in long distance sale. Limitations of these varieties by phytosanitary arguments is not acceptable. Threats to plant health are neither the biodiverse seeds nor the organic seeds, but the cultivation on an industrial scale and in monoculture.

Last but not least a little PARABLE:

Could not be compared the so called "seed market" according to the PRM-proposal with a courtyard of a prison? Inside there will be the farmers and the gardeners with their demand for seeds. The prison wall is the seed legislation. Only a few producers of seeds (the seed industry) can come through the walls (fulfilling with their seeds the criteria for registration and certification) and sell their seeds inside. Seed producing farmers and others have to stay outside.
What will happen to the prices of seeds? And to biodiversity? And to the farmers?

Tear down this prison wall of seed legislation!

Kind regards
Andreas Riekeberg

Campaign for Seed-Sovereignty

28. 10. 2013. 13:37

Spoštovani podpisnik naše peticije „Ogrožena raznovrstnost semen - proti uredbi EU o semenih v korist semenarske industrije“ !


Ob koncu zbiranja podpisov za peticijo je slednja z nekaj več kot 22500 podpisi doživela velik odziv. Hvala vsem, ki ste se podpisali pod peticijo ter posredovali link naprej! Maksimalni čas zbiranja podpisov na platformi "openPetition"je šest mesecev in se ne da podaljšati. Ob tej priložnosti se zahvaljujemo "openPetition" za dano možnost zbiranja podpisov za našo peticijo.

Kaj sledi?

Peticija bo dana v Bruselj v fazi priprav zakonodaje na omenjeno temo. Nadaljne aktivnosti bodo sledile, ko bo za to primeren čas.

Doslej je v vodstvu kmetijskega odbora parlamenta EU bil določen poročevalec za področje zakonodaje o semenih (to je g. Sergio Silvestris član italijanskega PDL, organizacije, ki je članica skupine EPP). On bo oblikoval poročilo odbora o predlagani zakonodaji za parlamenta. Obstajajo tako tako imenovani poročevalci iz ozadja, ki prihajajo iz drugih skupin.

Prva razprava o predlogu zakona je potekala na 30.9.2103. Tukaj je pogled nazaj:
Tudi iz drugih skupin so prišle zahteve in kritike glede predloga Komisije. Na koncu bo pomembno, da člani skupine EPP sledijo svoji vesti glede vprašanj o semenih in aktivno posegajo v razpravo - in se ne uklanjajo strankarskemu discipliniranju, kot se pričakuje, je povedal Albert Dess iz Bavarske, ki je koordinator skupine EPP v kmetijskem odboru (AGRI committee).

Naslednji koraki so: druga razprava v Odboru za kmetijstvo o 25.-26.11.2013 in predložitev sprememb, do 4.12.013. Po tem datumu se bo o teh spremembah razpravljalo in glasovalo.Prva razprava v parlamentu bo predvidoma sredi aprila 2014.

Poleg tega se delovna skupina Sveta EU trenutno sestaja enkrat mesečno. Tam so zastopane vlade držav članic in se pripravljajo svoja stališča. Če so rezultati parlamenta in Sveta drugačni, bo potekal tako imenovani "trialog" med Evropsko komisijo, parlamentom in svetom.

Kaj še lahko storimo sami?

a) Prosimo, informirajte sebe in druge! Morda bi si radi ogledali in preučili naš dokumentarec "Resilient Seed (Odporna semena=" ali v nemškem jeziku . Lahko pa te informacije pošljete naprej, preberete in razpošljete naprej našo brošuro "Odporna seme" ali v nemškem jeziku

b) O zakonodaji na področju semen lahko razpravljate v lokalnih skupnostih in skupinah. V naslednjih dneh pa je možno peticijo podpisati še v naketerih drugih jezikih (španščina in angleščina):

c) Vključite se lahko tudi v pogovore s poslanci EU: Pišite poslancem, ki so v vaši bližini Opišite svoje razloge, zakaj je raznolikost semen in semen kmetov pomembno za vas in kaj je tisto, kar vi zahtevate glede nove zakonodaje s področja semen. Pomagate si lahko s "skupno izjavo o predlogu zakonodaje o rastlinskem reprodukcijskem materialu", Če nas obvestite o odzivih, se lahko poglobimo vanje in se ustrezno odzovemo.

d) Tudi sami se lahko začneti ali nadaljujejte z reševanjem semen. Morda se boste udeležili ali organizirali menjave semen – to je odličen način, da pridete v stik s podobno mislečimi ljudmi! Menjave semen je najbolje organizirati med februarjem in aprilom/ majem.

e) Obiščite Trudili se bomo za vašo informiranost!

Lep pozdrav
Andreas Riekeberg
Campaign for Seed-Sovereignty

Najlepša hvala B.Ž. za prevod te pošte!

27. 10. 2013. 03:34

Dober dan!

Ste podpisali peticijo. Hvala za razumevanje!

Danes so podpisniki 3500. Jutri je zadnji dan, na katerega je mogoče podpisati peticijo. Obvestite svoje prijatelje o tem. Z vašo pomočjo, je lahko tudi 5000 pristopile.

Prosimo, navedite:

Tukaj si lahko ogledate komentarje podpisnikov:

„Zelo pomembno je ohranjati sorte rastlin, ki so prilagojene okolju, Tako so pridelki sigurnej?i in njihova hranilna vrednost je ve?ja.”

“Ker smo ljudje vredni in imamo pravico jesti neokrnjeno, polnovredno in nespremenjeno hrano. Ker nam tega ne smo nih?e odvzeti.”

“Ta peticija je zame pomembna zato, da ohranimo zdravo hrano tako za nas in na?e zanamce”

“Pri nas avtohtone sorte bolj?e uspevajo in imajo dalj?o ?ivljensko dobo, se ne posu?ijo. Drevesa uvo?enih sort hitro odmrejo (marelice), semena fi?ola slabo kalijo.... In zakaj ne bi jaz (po vsem trudu na vrtu) imela na kro?niku nekaj takega, kar ni mogo?e kupiti v supermarketu? Ali ni smisel vrta tudi v tem”

S spoštovanjem
Andreas Riekeberg

Campaign for Seed-Sovereignty

09. 10. 2013. 21:01

Evropski poslanci kritizirajo predlagano novo zakonodajo EU o semenih

Kampanja za semensko neodvisnost je zaznala kritiko predlagane uredbe EU o semenih (, ki so jo izrazili nekateri poslanci v kmetijskem odboru Parlamenta EU.

Na svojem sestanku v ponedeljek, 30. septembera ( so Martin Häusling (Zeleni / EFA, Nemčija), Ulrike RODUST (S&D [socialni demokrati], Nemčija), Britta Reimers (ALDE, Nemčija) in Karin KADENBACH (S&D, Avstrija) v svojih nagovorih kritizirali krepitev koncentracije na trgu semen in velikega števila delegiranih aktov. Zahtevali so deregulacijo malih proizvajalcev in preglednost načinov vzreje .

John Stuart Agnew (EFD, UK) je poudaril potrebo po izključitvi fizičnih oseb iz področja uporabe uredbe. Marc Tarabella (SD, Belgija) je predlagala ureditev, ki omogoča brezplačno izmenjavo semen med kmeti. Georg Lyon (ALDE , UK) je vprašal ali nova uredba resnično pomeni poenostavitev.

Predlagano uredbo je podprl poročevalec Sergio Silvestris (EPP, Italija) in Herbert Dorfmann (EPP, Italija). Presenetljivo je izgledalo kakor da oba ne moreta ali nočeta razlikovati med registracijo sort in certifikacijo PRM - serij. Tudi avtor poročila in asistent poročevalca Luis Manuel Capoulas Santos (SD, Poljska) je obljubil svojo podporo predlogu, ki se osredotoča na identiteto sort in sanitarnih vidikov. V svojem odgovoru na izjave drugih poslancev je Silverstis prav tako izpostavil, ti dve vprašanji.

Uradnik POUDELET iz Generalnega direktorata za zdravje in varstvo potrošnikov pri komisiji EU je pojasnil bistvo kmetijskih semen: „Če kmet prodaja semena drugemu kmetu, kjer gre za prodajo z interesom dobička, je popolnoma razumljivo, da gredo ta semena skozi sisteme certificiranja“. Ta okrepitev nadzora nad prometom s semeni, ki poteka med kmeti je tudi vprašanje, ki ga je Kampanja za neodvisnost semen naslovila Odboru za kmetijsktvo tik pred sejo.

Dne 24. novembra bo uredba o semenih spet na dnevnem redu COM - AGRI. Pomembno je, da pošljete članom Odbora za kmetijstvo pri evropskem parlamentu in prihajajo iz vaše države močno sporočilo z našimi zahtevami, ki so: področje uporabe uredbe o trženju semen mora biti usmerjeno v segment trženja in to z določenimi omejitvami; semena ki jih kmetje pridelajo za lastno uporabo (farmers seeds) in semena, ki zagotavljajo raznolikost sort morajo biti izvzeta iz nadzornega mehanizma uredbe; organske sorte potrebujejo posebne postopke za registracijo in zahtevamo preglednost glede sodobnih metod reje!

Močni pomisleki glede predloga

Ni edino trgovanje s semeni pod drobnogledom evropskega semenskega pravnega reda, temveč je potencialno vključeno tudi področje proizvodnje semen. Posledica takšnega koncepta bi bila, da bi bili kmetije in vrtičkarji, ki proizvajajo semena zase in za izmenjavo s svojimi sosedi dolžni v skladu z uredbo voditi podatke o mnogih dejavnostih (odstavki 6-8 predloga). To bi pomenilo težko dodatno nepotrebno breme, zlasti za samooskrbno kmetijstvo v vzhodni in južni Evropi. Zelo pomembno za vse kmete je, da imajo možnost gojitve lastnih semen, brez pravnih ovir in upravnega bremena.

Poleg tega bi uredba imala veliko večji vpliv kot sedanje direktive. Evropska uredba ne pušča prostora za lokalne razlage ali izvajanja, tako da ni mogoče, da ga v državah članicah sprejmejo z upoštevanjem posebnih zahtev njihovih kmetijskih struktur.

V nadaljevanju lahko omenimo še, da je osnovna težava reforme evropske zakonodaje o semenih v tem, da prednostno obravnava zelo homogen in zelo stabilen sistem standardov (DUS - distinctness, uniformity, stability / razločljivost, izenačenost, stabilnost). Ti standardi so bili sprejeti za ureditev agrokemičnih ukrepov in pogojev predelave v živilski industriji , ki zahteva enotne pogoje za skladiščenje in transport produktov, kar povzroča le nadaljnje zmanjševanje biotske raznovrstnosti v evropskem kmetijstvu.

Sprememba v politiki semen bi se morala osredotočiti na podporo in spodbujanje dejanske raznolikosti semenskih sort. Pomembne so sorte, ki so sprejete in prilagojene regionalnim pogojem tal in podnebja, tiste primerene za dom in obrtniško procesiranje, kot tudi tiste, ki zagotavljajo raznolikost okusov in imajo širšo genetsko osnovo. Nadaljevanje zastavljene politike s področja semen, razširitev področja uporabe zakonodaje s področja semen in ohranitev protokola DUS kot standarda bi pomenilo pospešitev erozije kmetijske biotske raznovrstnosti in spravilo v nevarnost sposobnost prehranske oskrbe bodočih rodov.

S spoštovanjem
Andreas Riekeberg

Campaign for Seed-Sovereignty

13. 06. 2013. 16:49


On the 13th of June, the EU Commission will hold a conference in Brussels with the EU Parliament and EU Council to explain the package “smarter rules for safer food“ on seed marketing, plant pests, animal health and related official controls.

Whilst in the preamble, the proposal for the plant reproductive material law looks as if every effort is being made to preserve and promote agricultural biodiversity and on-farm conservation, the reality is that the opposite is happening. New rules and restrictions have been created which hamper the freedom of farmers and seed saving organisations. In addition, the “niche” (art. 36) is not going to work in a practical sense, because of the restrictions assigned to “niche” sector and the perspective of them being further tightened by means of “Delegated Acts” by the EU Commission at any stage.

The main lobby organization of the seed industry ESA has in a letter to MEPs expressed their satisfaction with the proposal in an alarming way (
ESA writes “The proposals of the European Commission … pave the way for establishing a modern, dynamic, harmonised and simplified legal framework for seed.”
What does this sentence of ESA mean?
1.) In this context, ”modern” means: The law is made for the demands of the seed industry; more precisely to facilitate the commercialization of varieties dependent on fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals in order to increase agricultural productivity. This deprives European citizens of the choice for another agricultural model which does not affect the water tables and the soil. Some “modern” biotechnological breeding methods, which are not classified as “classic” genetic manipulation and do not require special labelling, result in infertile plants. This is a danger for agro-biodiversity.
We demand transparency in breeding methods! European citizens must have a choice of which agricultural development they want to support. Therefore proprietary and non-reproducible varieties must be labelled as such.

2.) “Dynamic” probably refers to the many Delegated Acts, more than 30. With these Delegated Acts, the Commission reserves the right to formulate the details of the legislation at a later date by committee vote without approval of the Parliament. Not only technical details, but many important issues are left open. The proposal is only a “legal framework” that is later defined by committees heavily influenced by industry.
We demand that the EU Parliament should not adopt such a black box.
3.) “Harmonised” refers to the fact that this law will be valid without national adaptation in all EU states. This is for the benefit of transnational corporations of the seed and agrochemical industries; they want to sell to a common market.
We demand that the EU member states have room to adapt the law to local needs of agriculture and horticulture.

4.) The ESA welcomes the alleged “farmers’ access to the best plant varieties”.
We strongly question the idea that the varieties of the seed industry are the best. They are the ones adapted to agrochemicals and to industrial agriculture and industrial processing of food. These are not adapted to local soil and climate, not adapted to small scale agriculture nor to the tastes of people in the different member states.

5.) The ESA does not tell us the true costs of their industrial seed production: the farmers' loss of independence, their ability to produce seeds and other propagating material themselves, the loss of soil fertility and the loss of the fauna and flora in the forests and fields due to the use of agrochemicals.
We demand that farmers and gardeners should be able and allowed to produce and exchange their own seeds and propagating material, without niche limitations and without mandatory registration of operators, without any mandatory registration of plant varieties and without any mandatory certification or registration of seed lots! Especially seeds not covered with Intellectual Property Rights should be exempt from mandatory registration.

In summary, you do not need such a restrictive and bureaucratic legislation to produce seed of high quality, even the seed industry does not need that, do they? The fact that ESA demands restricted market access, only for their own category of varieties, shows how insecure they are with regard to market success of such seeds. It seems that ESA is afraid of free competition with farmers' varieties, with varieties bred for organic farming, and with diversity varieties – even though these varieties comprise only a small part of the seed market. ESA demands a bureaucratic legislation, because the administrative burdens can only be covered by multinationals with huge seed sales volumes or, simply, enough

06. 06. 2013. 15:37

Zadeva: Peticija „Ogrožena raznovrstnost semen - proti uredbi EU o semenih v korist semenarske industrije“

Spoštovani podpisnik peticije „Ogrožena raznovrstnost semen“! Hvala, ker ste podprli našo peticijo! Na spletu smo jo v 15. jezikih objavili pred šestimi tedni. Nanjo se je do sedaj odzvalo in jo podpisalo več kakor 44000 podpisnikov iz cele Evrope in tudi od drugod

Kaj se je dogajalo v zadnjih šestih tednih?

V ponedeljek, 6. maja je Evropska komisija odobrila predlog tržne ureditve »Plant Reproductive Material« (PRM) (Materiali za reprodukcijo rastlin), ki temelji na osnutku, ki smo mu z našo peticijo nasprotovali. Predlog sicer vključuje »tržno nišo« - domače sorte, vendar se je to zgodilo zgolj zaradi našega nasprotovanja, našega pritiska na politike.

Obstajajo številne kritike tega predloga, glej na primer sporočilo za javnost v kampanji za zaščito avtohtonih semen, ki je potekala v Nemčiji (www.saatgutšestih ) in v Angliji v okviru pobude »Noetova barka« (“Arche Noah” Noah's ark) in še ena iz Nemčije, ki jo je vodila krovna organizacija za poljedelsko in živinorejsko raznovrstnost, »Rastline, ki jih je možno shraniti so izginile s trga« ("Seed that can be saved is disappearing from the market") .

Zahteve iz naše peticije ostajajo nespremenjene in bodo od sedaj naprej usmerjene na člane Evropskega parlamenta in člane Evropskega ministrskega sveta.

Pred glasovanjem 6. maja smo šest komisarjev seznanili s peticijo in s trenutnim številom podpisnikov v vsakem jeziku. Zahtevali smo, da uredbo zavrnejo, vendar je bila slednja na žalost vseeno sprejeta.

Zdaj je pomembno poudariti zahteve, da mora nova uredba o semenih v EU ustvariti takšne pogoje, ki omogočajo semensko raznolikost in omogočiti kmetom, da gojijo takšne sorte rastlin in živali, ki omogočajo trajnostno kmetovanje na temelju genetske raznolikosti in primernosti za lokalno okolje.

V prihodnjih tednih in mesecih bomo računali na vašo pomoč vsakič, ko se bomo pogovarjali s člani evropskega parlamenta ali ko bomo uporabili drugačne politične metode za dosego naših zahtev. Od 15. do 19 julija bo imel MEP svoj »teden ustanovitve«, . Evropski parlamentarci morajo svoje zunanje aktivnosti opraviti tudi v svojih matičnih državah in morebiti je to pravi trenutek, da poizkusite vzpodbuditi razprave z njimi na temo semen. To je še posebej pomembno v primeru, da so ti predstavniki tudi člani ali podpredsedniki komisije AGRI ali komiteja ENVI!

Z iskrenimi pozdravi,
Andreas Riekeberg

Campaign for Seed-Sovereignty

P.S.: Vse nadaljnje informacije v zvezi s peticijo lahko najdete na tem linku: (including the brackets)
Prosimo da posredujete ta link svojim prijateljem, da podpišejo peticijo.

Tole je servis (podpora) za openPetition

Pomoć jačanju građanske participacije. Želimo da vaše zabrinutosti budu saslušane dok ne postanete neovisni.
