Buitenlands beleid

Open the border – Kobanê must live!

Indiener niet openbaar
Petitie is gericht aan
The Government of the Republic of Turkey

544 handtekeningen

Petent heeft de petitie niet ingediend of overgedragen.

544 handtekeningen

Petent heeft de petitie niet ingediend of overgedragen.

  1. Begonnen 2015
  2. Handtekeningeninzameling voltooid
  3. Ingediend
  4. Dialoog
  5. Mislukt

23-09-2015 22:50

The reconstruction of Kobane urgently needs a humanitarian corridor from Turkey!
Since we started our Petition together with a lot of wonderful initial signers like Noam Chomsky from Boston (USA), Jean Ziegler from Geneva (Switzerland) or Stefan Engel from Gelsenkirchen (Germany) the situation for Kobane even deteriorated.
Please help to increase pressure on the turkish governement! Spread the petition as wide as possible. Remember that translations of the petition are available in german, english, french, spanish, turkish, kurdish and arabic!
Thank you for your solidarity for the Liberation struggle of the kurdish People!
In solidarity
Fritz Hofmann

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