Kraj : Deutschland
Obrázek petice Petition for academic freedom and against the policies of an ID research journal

Petition for academic freedom and against the policies of an ID research journal

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Siegfried Scherer

Petice byla dokončena


Petice byla dokončena

  1. Zahájena 2014
  2. Sbírka byla dokončena
  3. Předloženy
  4. Dialog
  5. Hotový

30. 12. 2014 20:07

Neuer Petitionstext: Sergii Kolida and Me (Martin Dubreuil) were concerned with a study about unconscious human decision processes for several years. At the end the study turned out to support intelligent design, an explanation for the origin of life that is rated as pseudoscientific. We agree that former studies about intelligent design are not convincing and hardly testable. The theory of intelligent design focuses on research about effects long time ago about which is not much known leading to poor quality science. It was avoided to test if intelligent design actually exists at the present time or not, as it was done in our study. We sent our result to other scientists, who verified our results before we sent them to Bio-Complexity, an open access research journal that support intelligent design. Sergii has submitted papers to open-access platforms before for example , which contains a short reference to his website at which the paper is currently stored. Unfortunately we were told that Bio-Complexity publishes only research papers about intelligent design with an emphasis on biology. We also submitted our paper to more conventional research journals, but there is a long list of scientific bodies that reject intelligent design (, although it was never proved wrong. It is a widely known argument against ID, that there hasn't been published a single peer-reviewed article supporting ID in a common scientific journal. A journal could raise a lot anger from the majority of scientists, if they would still publish such a paper. Being rejected by such journals was no surprise. We wrote to several different scientists and professionals including Janine Dixon, Fernando Castro-Chavez and Ann Gauger and asked for a recommendation for an other journal. But they only replied, they don't know a journal that publishes mathematical papers about intelligent design. Janine Dixon wrote to us:

Dear Martin,

I have checked with our staff here and unfortunately we don't have any recommendations for publishing this paper.

All the best,

Janine Dixon
Educational Outreach Coordinator
Discovery Institute, CSC
206.292.0401 ext. 108

That leaves virtually no place for us to publish our paper. This petition aims to let Bio-complexity accept all kinds of papers about ID that would be not accepted somewhere else. The petition is addressed to Siegfried Scherer, a representative of Bio-complexity in Germany. The 60-page paper we want to submit to Bio-complexity or any other journal that would accept our paper for a peer-review is at the moment stored here: Test Neue Begründung: Academic freedom had to face opponents in every time. Galileo Galileis research was declared to be absurd by church, because it contradicted the mainstream opinion. The majority of educated people subscribed to earth as center of the universe. It is in our responsibility to never let prejudices define our decisions in research again. This petition aims to collect at least 1000 signatures to ensure that there is a journal for every research paper at which it can be accepted for a peer-review. We particularly support the idea that research is free and it should not be limited by mainstream opinions. We only demand from researches to comply with scientific standards, for example to be comprehensible, reproducible and testable. Test

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