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Animal murder, supervised pigeon lofts for Limburg!

Petícia je zameraná na
Bürgermeister Marius Hahn
8 113 215 v Limburg an der Lahn
35% z 620 [re kvórum
8 113 215 v Limburg an der Lahn
35% z 620 [re kvórum
  1. Návrh
  2. Zber podpisov petície
  3. Podanie
  4. Dialóg s príjemcom
  5. Rozhodnutie

We demand an animal-friendly solution for the high pigeon population in Limburg!
 Killing peaceful pets should never be the method of choice!
 Other cities are leading the way; supervised pigeon lofts are a sustainable and animal-friendly solution.


For years, animal-loving people in the city of Limburg have been offering their support with the pigeon problem. Managed dovecotes seemed to be within reach, but instead of finally putting this solution into practice, the city now seems to be opting for a drastic solution, namely killing the pigeons by a falconer. He wants to catch the pigeons in live traps and then kill them by breaking their necks.
 When street dogs suffer and are killed in other countries, there is rightly great outcry, but our city pigeon is also a feral and/or abandoned pet that is dependent on people's care.
 All city pigeons come from breeding pigeons, for example from stranded racing pigeons or wedding pigeons.
 As pets, they need the support of people in cities and towns.
 In addition, the pigeon droppings from properly fed pigeons are less aggressive and easier to remove and are centered in the pigeon loft.
 From conversations with other animal-loving people, I know that there are even some people who will support this project on a voluntary basis.

Ďakujem za vašu podporu, Privat von ,Viersen
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