Περιοχή: Neusäß
Εικόνα της αναφοράς Bucheon FC1995 announces contract extension with director Lee Young-min

Bucheon FC1995 announces contract extension with director Lee Young-min

Η αναφορά απευθύνεται σε
Bürgermeister Richard Greiner
0 Υποστηρικτικό 0 σε Neusäß

Η διαδικασία του ψηφίσματος ολοκληρώθηκε.

0 Υποστηρικτικό 0 σε Neusäß

Η διαδικασία του ψηφίσματος ολοκληρώθηκε.

  1. Ξεκίνησε Φεβρουαρίου 2024
  2. Η συλλογή ολοκληρώθηκε
  3. Υποβληθέντα
  4. Διάλογος
  5. Ολοκληρώθηκε

The K-League 2 Bucheon FC 1999 extended the contract with Lee ahead of the opening of the new season, giving weight to his leadership. Lee will lead Bucheon until the 2026 season.


The Bucheon club made a surprise announcement on the extension of Lee Young-min's contract at the "2024 Season Opening Ceremony" held at Oeulmadang in Bucheon City Hall on the 25th and held a signing ceremony. The contract extension, which took place before the season, confirms the club's trust and support for Lee.
As a result, Lee will lead the team for four consecutive seasons for the first time in the history of the Bucheon club. Lee, who took the helm of Bucheon ahead of the 2021 season, recorded 42 wins, 30 draws, and 42 losses in 114 games during the previous three seasons (2021-2023). During this period, Lee led the team to 100 wins in the club's home (against Gyeongnam on August 14, 2023), 100 wins in the club's away (against Cheonan on March 12, 2023), and 200 wins in the club's career (against Busan on May 13, 2023).
After taking office in 2021, Lee's first promise was to "develop a team called Bucheon." Lee, who said he would not just take victory but improve the team in the long run, led the team to the playoffs for the second consecutive year in the 2022 and 2023 seasons. And now he wants to continue another promise with Bucheon toward higher ground. 토토
It is often difficult to locate Lee Young-min during a training session in Bucheon. This is due to Lee's coaching style in which he demonstrates himself by playing with players and kicking a ball. Lee's Bucheon has been reborn as a "promising restaurant" that fosters promising young players by producing the winner (Ahn Jae-jun) of the K League 2 Young Player award last season.
Meanwhile, Lee also emphasizes the importance of love and communication for his fans. The "Lalala Overtime," a fan meeting that took place after the home game against Cheonan on June 11 last season, started with Lee's opinion. At the event, Lee also had time to communicate with the fans.
Coach Lee Young-min, who agreed to extend the contract, said, "First of all, I would like to thank the owner, CEO, general manager, club and everyone." He added, "I'm really grateful that we can look at the same place as the team called Bucheon and be together with the same philosophy. My first commitment since I took office in Bucheon was to develop a team called Bucheon. I haven't forgotten that heart and have always tried," he said.
Finally, he added a new resolution for the future, saying, "Based on what I have been working on for three years, which is not short, I will now try to go to a higher place with Bucheon." Regarding the extension of the contract, Bucheon General Manager Kim Sung-nam said, "I have great trust in coach Lee Young-min. The club will also look at a higher place with coach Lee and help him lead Bucheon Football."
Meanwhile, Bucheon in the 2024 season, led by head coach Lee Young-min, will play its opening match against Cheonan City FC at Bucheon Stadium on March 2.

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