Regiji: Adelaide
Slika peticije Cho Kyu-sung fails to convert for fourth consecutive league game

Cho Kyu-sung fails to convert for fourth consecutive league game

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Proces peticije je bil zaključen

  1. Začelo avgust 2023
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【먹튀검증】토토사이트,스포츠토토,안전놀이터,먹튀사이트 | 먹튀검증가이드"/>


Cho Kyu-sung (Mittwillan) missed a penalty, ending his goal drought for the fourth consecutive league match.
He started the away match against Vejle BK in the fourth round of the 2023-2024 Danish Superliga at Vejle Stadium in Vejle, Denmark, on Sept. 13 (ET).
Cho played about 55 minutes before being replaced by Sori Kova in the 10th minute of the second half, but failed to record an offensive point.
Jo Kyu-sung, who joined Mitwylan from Jeonbuk Hyundai in the summer transfer window, has had a successful transition to Europe, scoring one goal in each of the first three rounds of the league.
He also had a scoring chance in this match. In the seventh minute, Cho was tripped by a defender inside the penalty box. Cho stepped up to take the penalty kick, but his shot was saved by Vejle goalkeeper Nathan Trot.
Cho was then cautioned in the 39th minute for a foul in a contest with an opponent.
However, Mitwillan held on to beat Vejle 2-1.
Aral Simsir opened the scoring in the sixth minute 스포츠토토 of the second half, followed by Franculigno in the 14th minute.
The cruising Mitwillan were caught out in the second half when Pablo Ortiz was sent off in the 33rd minute, and despite conceding a 38th-minute consolation goal, they held on for a thrilling one-goal victory.
Mitwylan now sits in third place with a record of 3-1-1 (9 points).

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