Don't leave Afrin alone! Lasst Afrin nicht allein! Efrîn bi tenê nehêlin!
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The initiator of the petition was made aware of the violation of the terms of use by the openPetition editorial team and had five days to revise the petition. This did not happen. The petition was therefore blocked.
text of the petition
As is well known, terrorist groups in Afrin have again carried out a massacre of Kurdish citizens. These terrorist groups opened fire on civilians due to the national holiday and the Newroz fire, brutally killing four Kurdish citizens. Kurds are being killed, dispossessed and expelled from this area every day.These crimes against the Kurdish nation and humanity are being committed under the authority of the occupying state of Turkey. For some time now, Afrin has been officially controlled by terrorist groups like Hai'at Tahrir al-Sham, which is a new name for Al-Nusra Front and Al-Qaeda. We want this genocide to end and the Kurds to be heard in the world. We would like the European Parliament and the UN human rights commission in Geneva to get in touch with our committee and deal with our dossier on "Genocide in Afrin".
Deutsch:Bekanntlich verübten terroristische Gruppen in Afrîn erneut ein Massaker an kurdischen Bürgern. Diese Terrorgruppen eröffneten aufgrund des Nationalfeiertags und des Newroz-Feuers das Feuer auf die Zivilbevölkerung, wodurch vier kurdische Bürger auf brutale Weise getötet wurden.Tagtäglich werden Kurden in diesem Gebiet getötet, enteignet und vertrieben.Diese Verbrechen gegen die kurdische Nation und Menschlichkeit werden unter der Autorität des Besatzungsstaates Türkei verübt. Seit einiger Zeit wird Afrîn offiziell von terroristische Gruppen wie die Hai´at Tahrir al-Sham, was ein neuer Name für die Al-Nusra-Front und Al-Qaida ist, kontrolliert.Wir möchten, dass dieser Genozid beendet wird und die Kurden in der Welt Gehör finden.Wir möchten, dass sich das europäische Parlament und die UNO-Menschenrechtskommission in Genf mit unserem Komitee austauscht und sich mit unserem Dossier "Genozide in Afrîn" befasst.
KurmançîWek tê zanîn, grûpên terorîst careke din li Efrînê komkujîyek li hember hemwelatiyên Kurdistanî pêkanîn. Ev grûpên terorîst bi sedema cejna neteweyî û agirê Newrozê, gulle li xelkê sivîl barandin û di encamê de çar kesayetiyên Kurd bi şêwazên hovane hatin kuştin. Ev tawanên dijî neteweya Kurd û mirovayetiyê di bin desthilata dewleta dagîrker ya Tirkiyê de têne pêkanîn. Ev demeke desthilatdariya Efrînê bi fermî di destê grûpên terorîst weke Desteya Tehrîra Şamê daye ku naveke nû ya Cepheya Nusre û Al-Qaîde ye.Kurd her roj tên kuştin, koçberkirin û ji vê herêmê tên derxistin.Em dixwazin ev jenosîd bi dawî bibe û dengê Kurdan li cîhanê were bihîstin.Em dixwazin Parlamentoya Ewropayê û Komîsyona Mafên Mirovan a Neteweyên Yekbûyî li Cenevreyê bi komîsyona me re têkeve têkiliyê û li ser dosyaya me ya "Genosîde li Efrînê" bixebete.
The Kurds in Afrin are left alone! Every day they are expropriated from their land, discriminated, killed or forced to flee! Turkey has completely changed the demographics in Afrin and the surrounding area. Only 27% of the former 98% Kurdish population remain.We should give the Kurds a voice there!Die Kurden in Afrin sind nur sich überlassen! Täglich werden sie ihrem Land enteignet, diskriminiert, umgebracht oder in die Flucht getrieben! Türkei hat die Demographie in Afrin und Umgebung komplett verändert. Von ehemals 98% kurdischer Bevölkerung sind nur noch 27% geblieben.Wir sollten den Kurden dort eine Stimme geben!