Reģions: Bielefeld-Bethel, Germany

Keep our school! Sekundarschule, Bethel, Bielefeld

Petīcijas iesniedzējs nav publisks
Petīcija ir adresēta
Board of Management of the v. Bodelschwingh Foundations Bethel

3 051 Paraksti

Petīcijas autors petīciju nav iesniedzis

3 051 Paraksti

Petīcijas autors petīciju nav iesniedzis

  1. Sākās 2016
  2. Kolekcija beidzās
  3. Iesniegts
  4. Dialogs
  5. Neizdevās

Lūgumraksts adresēts: Board of Management of the v. Bodelschwingh Foundations Bethel

We want to save our school, the Sekundarschule in Bielefeld.


The board of management of the v. Bodelschwingh Foundation Bethel wants to close the Sekundarschule, wich they only founded in 2013, because of rehabilitation costs. This decision is not compatible with their diaconal mission statement 'bring community to real' and against any eductaional considerations. We demand the continued existence of the Sekundarschule Bethel!

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Informācija par petīciju

Sākās petīcija: 30.09.2016
Petīcija beidzas: 01.10.2016
Reģions: Bielefeld-Bethel, Germany
Kategorija: Izglītība

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