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LAA fans angry at 'Train to the Otani Dodgers'

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  1. Začelo februar 2024
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  4. Dialog
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Ohtani also said on his SNS, "I chose the Dodgers as my next team," adding, "It took too long to make a decision. I'm sorry."


Ohtani also said on his SNS, "I chose the Dodgers as my next team," adding, "It took too long to make a decision. I'm sorry."
"I would like to thank the Angels and fans who have supported me over the past six years, and the officials of each club who participated in the negotiation process," he said, adding, "I will do my best to show the best in the Dodgers."
Ohtani's contract was the biggest ever in the world. said, "Ohtani's contract exceeds the biggest ever contract that Lionel Messi signed with FC Barcelona in Spain's Primera Liga from 2017 to 2021." 스포츠토토
On the day Ohtani made history like this, Angels fans couldn't hide his bitterness. Angels fans expressed frustration at relocating to Dodgers, their regional rival, saying on X (formerly Twitter), "Angels are the biggest losers."
In addition, some enraged fans expressed their anger by swearing at Ohtani. One fan released a video of burning a uniform with Ohtani's name on it.
Ohtani, who surprised the world with the largest contract ever made. He said goodbye by thanking his fans of his former team, the Angels, but the fans look gloomy.

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