Region: Germany
Foreign affairs

Let's prevent a second "Syria" in Iran! Act now enough not to regret later.

Petition is directed to
Deutscher Bundestag Petitionsausschuss
55 supporters 50 in Germany

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

55 supporters 50 in Germany

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

  1. Launched October 2022
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed

The widespread images of the protest actions in Iran against the brutal clerical reign of terror could not have escaped the attention of those responsible in the free world. Their political-diplomatic intervention to protect the Iranian people against the brutal human rights violations is not "interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state" against which the regime in Iran protests.
In view of institutionalized human rights violations, a preventive, non-violent humanitarian intervention to safeguard Iran's responsibility to protect is not a favor, but an obligation under international law of the international community. To this end, the heads of state and government of the member states of the United Nations adopted the concept of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) in 2005. It is a political promise to take appropriate measures to prevent genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.
Accordingly, every state is obliged under international law to protect its population from human rights violations. If a state such as the "Islamic Republic of Iran" cannot or does not want to assume this responsibility to protect, the responsibility passes to the international community. Although this did not create a new law, it did enshrine a concept for preventing and preventing serious breaches of international humanitarian law in the event of conflicts. However, as early as 2019, UN Secretary-General António Guterres lamented a "growing gap between the 2005 World Summit's commitment to the responsibility to protect and the daily experience of vulnerable populations" worldwide.
Bridging this gap requires a change in the priorities of foreign policy and development cooperation between democratic states. If such risks are identified, diplomatic influence must be exerted on the governments of affected states much earlier, even if other interests could suffer as a result. The current situation in the "Islamic Republic of Iran" requires this change of perspective in the foreign policy of the democratic states of the world if they want to avert an imminent civil war and promote the democratization processes in Iran.
The promotion of democratization processes in Iran is not only an obligation under international law of the democratic international community, but also an indispensable contribution to regional and international peacebuilding. This not only promotes the regional peaceful coexistence of the states, but also averts the nuclear danger of the "Islamic Republic".
Currently, the regime in Iran is trying to distract from the protests against the headscarf requirement and their brutal suppression with missile, drone and heavy artillery attacks on Kurds in the border triangle between Iraq, Iran and Turkey. At the same time, the Revolutionary Guards have also called for the brutal fight against the peaceful mass protests in Zahedan, the capital of Iran's Sistan and Balochistan provinces. These targeted attacks on different ethnic groups are intended to provoke civil war-like circumstances.
Zu diesen Förderungsmaßnahmen gehören u.a.:

  1. The consistent call of the clerical rule in Iran for respect for fundamental and human rights and for the peaceful settlement of social and political conflicts instead of their escalation into a bloody civil war, as once in Syria.
  2. The application of the "Magnitsky Act", which has been in force globally since 2016, which empowers governments worldwide to personally punish all human rights violators, freeze their assets and deny them entry to all democratic states.
  3. Further international isolation of the "Islamic Republic" and reduction of diplomatic relations to consular posts.
  4. Inclusion of the "Revolutionary Guard" (Guardian of the Islamic Revolution / Sepāh-e Pāsdārān-e Enqelāb-e Eslāmi) on the list of terorist organizations.

Let us prevent a second "Syria" in Iran, which is what the tyrants in Iran are currently striving for!


After 42 years of violence and terror by the Islamic Republic in Iran, the world has recently witnessed a nationwide peaceful protest movement of different layers, trade unions and social groups for more than 3 weeks, which the regime is trying to crush with the most brutal harshness. These include, in particular, the protests of women (#mahsa amini) as well as strikes by schollchildren and students and partly also by the educational institutions concerned and their progressive professors and staff, who have expressed their displeasure and voice over the brutal treatment and murder of #MAHSA AMINI as well as the contempt for fundamental human rights.

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