Ocean Resort Casino To Give More Than $250,000 Cash And Prizes

Petícia bola zablokovaná z dôvodu nedodržania podmienok používania.
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Iniciátor petície bol oboznámený s porušením podmienok používania redaktormi openPetition a mal päť dní na preskúmanie petície. Toto sa nestalo. Petícia bola preto zablokovaná.

Text petície

 Ocean Resort Casino, an iconic beach destination in Atlantic City, today announced the launch of the grand opening $250,000 Giveaway, a promotion that gives players the chance to win more than $250,000 in cash and prizes by playing at the Ocean Resort Casino throughout the summer.

"It's a memorable way for us at Ocean Resort Casino to reward guests for their play each time and give them the chance to win more than $250,000 in cash and merchandise," said Ocean Resort Casino CEO Frank Leonay. "Our Ocean Premier Loyalty Program offers players a full menu of incentives and benefits, and the grand opening $250,000 giveaway offers another opportunity to recognize and appreciate their play with us."
Guests will have until September 2, 2018 to obtain one entry for every three compounds acquired through play in slots and tables.
Guests can also get a triple admission fee every Sunday in August by copying the card from every kiosk and then playing your favorite slot or table game. 바카라사이트 순위

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