Región: Indien

Petition Regarding Purva Aerocity

Petición a.
0 Apoyo
0% alcanzado 100 de objetivo de la recogida
0 Apoyo
0% alcanzado 100 de objetivo de la recogida
  1. Iniciado 11/04/2024
  2. Collección más > 5 semanas
  3. Sumisión
  4. Diálogo con destinatario
  5. Decisión

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The undersigned is banding together to support the development of a lively and welcoming community at Provident Group's groundbreaking residential project, Purva Aerocity Master Plan. As stakeholders and locals, we think that working together can help to determine the future of our community. Purva Aerocity is more than just a neighborhood neighborhood. It represents the hope for a brighter future—one in which friendships are made, families can prosper, and dreams can come true. Purva Aerocity Price List a singular opportunity to enjoy the best of urban living in a calm and quiet setting with its exquisitely designed 1, 2, and 3 BHK apartments situated amidst expansive green spaces. Purva Aerocity is intended to serve as a center for community involvement, where locals congregate to exchange ideas, celebrate variety, and create enduring bonds. Our goal is to create a strong sense of community and camaraderie among residents through cultural programs, recreational events, and community events. Purva Aerocity is dedicated to supporting environmentally friendly lifestyle choices. By using energy-efficient infrastructure and environmentally friendly building practices, we hope to reduce our impact on the environment and leave a more sustainable, greener community for coming generations. We support increased connection and accessibility in Purva Aerocity and the neighboring areas. Our goal is to improve everyone's quality of life through the construction of recreational facilities, pedestrian-friendly routes, and well-planned transit networks. Every Purva Aerocity resident's safety and security are our top priorities. We work to provide a secure environment where residents can live in peace of mind by putting in place strong security measures, proactive community policing activities, and emergency response protocols.


We cordially welcome everyone who lives in Chikkajala, North Bangalore, and the neighboring districts to stand with us in support of a thriving, welcoming community in Purva Aerocity. Working together, we can make our common goal of a neighborhood built on the tenets of sustainability, diversity, and community involvement a reality. You are demonstrating your commitment to actively engage in creating Purva Aerocity's future as well as your support for the development of a thriving community by signing this petition and we ask for the support of the parliament for our cause.

At Purva Aerocity, let's work together to create a better tomorrow!

Gracias por su ayuda, David Warner De. Bangalore
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