Kraj : Gießen

Petition to improve living conditions in the halls of residence of the Studentenwerk Gießen

Navrhovatel není veřejný
Petice je adresována
Studentenwerk Gießen

84 podpisy

Navrhovatel nepodal petici.

84 podpisy

Navrhovatel nepodal petici.

  1. Zahájena 2018
  2. Sbírka byla dokončena
  3. Předloženy
  4. Dialog
  5. Neúspěšný

Petice je adresována: Studentenwerk Gießen

Dear Studentenwerk Geißen, we have four demands that concern:

  • A machine to reload the THM and JLU chipcard

  • Wifi and data volume

  • Domestic and other appliances

  • Accessibility for the physically disabled


A machine to reload the chipcard: Every student knows it’s annoying to be forced to walk to university every time one has to put money on her/his card. It is complicated and takes time, which many students don’t have because of their already tight time schedule. That’s why we demand a machine to reload the chip cards from both THM und JLU in every dormitory.

Wifi and data volume: In today’s times a well-functioning, easily accessible and fast internet connection should be part of the standard. But typically for Germany the Studentenwerk seems to be a decade back in terms of internet service. The LAN-plugs, that the students only have in their rooms – not in the kitchen nor anywhere else – is not enough and unprogressive and outdated. The same can be said about the 70GB per month high-speed limitation. Exceeding this limit means having an internet connecting which is so slow, that it’s nearly unusable. That’s why we demand Wifi-access in the dormitories and their yards and the increase of the high-speed data volume from 70GB per month to 100GB per month.

Domestic and other appliances: Many of the appliances need repair or need to be replaced. Sometimes they are quickly repaired or replaced but in a variety of cases this doesn’t apply. The dryers don’t dry properly, so it’s not unusual to have them running up to three times until the clothes are actually dry. This triples the cost and also the time one has to invest in this originally very simple domestic task. Another example for the bad condition of many appliances is the elevator of the F-Haus in Eichendorffring. It was broken and not repaired for over a month. For people having to lift shopping bags or other heavy items and of course for people that have leg or foot conditions this was a hard and nearly unacceptable situation. That’s why we demand: the fast reparations or replacement of domestic and other appliances in the dormitories.

Accessibility for the physically disabled: The accessibility of multiple Studentenwerk buildings is not given for the physically disabled. This prevents them from living in the dormitories and taking part in social events in the dormitories (visiting friends, going to cultural or educational events in Lokal International). This situation is unfair, outdated and hinders the process of a successful inclusion of physically disabled people.

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Informace o petici

Petice zahájena: 16. 08. 2018
Petice končí: 26. 09. 2018
Kraj : Gießen
kategorie : Žít

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