Region: Starnberg

Provide Children at the Refugee Camp with WIFI!

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Landkreis Starnberg, Stefan Frey
0 Støttende 0 inn Starnberg

Begjæringen er avsluttet

0 Støttende 0 inn Starnberg

Begjæringen er avsluttet

  1. Startet 2020
  2. Innsamling ferdig
  3. Sendt inn
  4. Dialog
  5. Fullført

Make sure that the children at the refugee center in Berg have a fair education by providing them WIFI. By petitioning this idea, we can bring awareness to both the citizens and the mayor of Starnberg on the matter. By signing this petition, you are agreeing with the idea that these children deserve the appropriate conditions to also have a virtual and online education.

Grunnen til

The children that live in the refugee camp in Berg, currently do not have access to WiFi. Their education is being jeopardised because they are not able to have online classes. Therefore, the more petition numbers we get, the more convincing our argument becomes. Help make a change in your community, to help those in need!

Follow Us on Instagram under: @bergrefugee

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