
Reclaim Study Program "Health Science & Management"

Le pétitionnaire n'est pas public
La pétition est adressée à
Hochschule Rhein Waal Kleve
48 Soutien 22 en Arrondissement de Clèves

Le pétitionnaire n'a pas soumis/transmis la pétition

48 Soutien 22 en Arrondissement de Clèves

Le pétitionnaire n'a pas soumis/transmis la pétition

  1. Lancé 2015
  2. Collecte terminée
  3. Soumis
  4. Dialogue
  5. Echoué

Hochschule Rhein-Waal once offered a study program called "Health Science & Management" - Due to this offer some students-to-be already signed up for this program and were looking forward to study at HSRW. Students and teachers were ready to make it happen, but somehow this program was canceled.

This program was a chance for students to get their masters degree.

We want to try to get this program back to HSRW.


Now we need your help to identify yourself/ourself with this and help our students-to-be to have the chance of studying their desired study program. For this we created this online petition. Although you might be studying already and are not affected, please be so kind and show that we support others who might not have the chance to study at HSRW. It doesn't take long but may make a difference

Merci pour votre soutien

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