Reinstalling the Monarchy in Germany as a Constitutional Monarchy

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Texto de la petición

I would like to propose a draft of a constitution that would not alter much of the existing Basic Law yet would reinstall the rightful heir of the hohenzollern to the throne. Currently I have made a draft of a constitution that could be used to reinstall the Monarch legally. This document is written in the world's lingua franca just so that it is better for world wide attention. This document could also be edited by the German people.

Here is a link to the Constitution:

The hohenzollern royal family is responsible for the very creation of one German state. They have no reason not to be in power, it is not like the last Kaiser was a Hitler. In the form of a Constitutional Monarchy, like the rest of the european monarchies, this could be achieved without limiting democracy.

Ayudar a fortalecer la participación ciudadana. Queremos que se escuchen sus inquietudes sin dejar de ser independientes.

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