Region: Wiesbaden

Return to normal schedule at ESWE Verkehr! Take back timetable cuts!

Petitionen är riktat mot
OB Gert-Uwe Mende, Verkehrsdezernent Andreas Kowol, Wiesbadener Rathausfraktionen der Kooperation sowie der Opposition
858 Stödjande 744 i Wiesbaden
34% av 2 200 för kvorum
858 Stödjande 744 i Wiesbaden
34% av 2 200 för kvorum
  1. Startad 2024-04-08
  2. Insamling fortfarande > 5 månader
  3. Inlämning
  4. Dialog med mottagare
  5. Beslut

Jag godkänner att min data kommer att lagras . Jag bestämmer vem som får se mitt stöd. Jag kan återkalla detta samtycke när som helst .


We demand a return to the normal timetable and the reversal of the timetable cuts published by ESWE Verkehr on April 2, 2024, at the latest by the next timetable change in December 2024. To make this possible, we call on Wiesbaden city politicians to increase the financial subsidy for ESWE Verkehr.


On April 2, 2024, ESWE Verkehr published the timetable cuts as of April 14, 2024. These are the next bitter consequence of the outcome of the city's budget negotiations, which have already led to the discontinuation of lines 30, 35 and 36. Even if it is claimed that the timetable cuts will only be made at off-peak times, this further cut in Wiesbaden's public transport system sends out a bad signal to the city's citizens: instead of strengthening the bus system to compensate for the rejected streetcar, further cuts are being made.

"The timetable cuts must be reversed by the timetable change in December 2024 at the latest. We will therefore make every effort to ensure that ESWE Verkehr gets more money again," says Alexander Mehring, 1st Chairman of the Wiesbaden neu bewegen organization.

However, further cuts in December must be prevented at all costs. "In all likelihood, these would then not only be felt at off-peak times, but also in the morning school and rush hour traffic," fears Wito Harmuth, Deputy Chairman of the organization.

Even if the subsidy amount remains the same, this is expected to result in further timetable cuts when adjusted for inflation. Added to this is the still unresolved outcome of the current wage negotiations in Hessian local transport. "The Managing Director of ESWE Verkehr, Ms. Hebding, is right when she worries about how Wiesbaden's public transport should be set up in the future," Mehring explains. "It is up to the city councillors to send a clear signal for more local public transport in Wiesbaden."

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