Regio: Madeirã

Save the RIU Palace Madeira hotel!

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RIU Hotels & Resorts
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De petitie is afgesloten

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De petitie is afgesloten

  1. Begonnen 2021
  2. Handtekeningeninzameling voltooid
  3. Ingediend
  4. Dialoog
  5. Beëindigd

Save the RIU Palace Madeira - one of the best and most beautiful hotels on Madeira with awesome staff!


Don't sell RIU Palace Madeira...
With great dismay, we learned at the beginning of 2021 that the wonderful hotel RIU Palace Madeira was to be sold.
A lot of people around the world are absolutely terrified with this decision.
The RIU Palace Madeira is one of the best hotels on Madeira, it enchants with its typical colonial charm, with its unbelievable range of dishes, with its wonderful shows and above all with its employees! The employees of the RIU Palace Madeira deliver the best service worldwide, they are always friendly, cheerful and courteous. And even in these difficult times of the Covid19 pandemic, they are doing everything they can to ensure that the guests of the RIU Palace have a wonderful stay.
This is also supported by the fact that the RIU Palace Madeira has received the "Traveler Review Award 2021" from, the world's leading portal for online bookings.
The RIU Palace Madeira has become a second home for many people around the globe.
The RIU Palace has always been fully booked and we are sure that all guests will return after the Covid19 pandemic.
Some of us have been here 25 or more times and some stay 3 monthes or longer.
The employees of the RIU Palace Madeira refer to themselves as the "RIU Family" and so we are very concerned that many of the employees will lose their jobs.
Please don't take this unique, magical place away from us!

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