Région: Zurich

Stop to the compulsory wearing of masks and mass testing of children and adolescents

Le pétitionnaire n'est pas public
La pétition est adressée à
Ms Steiner and Mr Leutenegger

776 signatures

Le pétitionnaire n'a pas soumis/transmis la pétition

776 signatures

Le pétitionnaire n'a pas soumis/transmis la pétition

  1. Lancé 2021
  2. Collecte terminée
  3. Soumis
  4. Dialogue
  5. Echoué

La pétition est adressée à : Ms Steiner and Mr Leutenegger

Dear Ms Steiner
Dear Mr Leutenegger
We demand an immediate stop to the compulsory wearing of masks and mass testing of children and adolescents under the age of 17 in Zurich.
Since 25 January 2021, a new rule has been in force in Zurich on the wearing of masks in primary school from the 4th grade onwards. This measure was initially declared valid until the end of February. For four months now, children and adolescents have had to wear the mask every day at school, including during sports or after-school care. The renewed extension of the protective measures until mid-July 2021 is unacceptable: the risk group has already been vaccinated and is thus protected. Therefore, this measure must be lifted immediately.
We demand that children and adolescents under the age of 17 do not have to wear the mask anywhere and in any situation (including class camps). We demand that children and young people return to normality, that they can show their faces again, that they focus on learning at school and not on the imposed measures. 
Awaiting your comments
Kind regards
Parents, grandparents, carers and affected children and young people


The risk group has already been vaccinated and is thus protected. Therefore, this measure must be lifted immediately.

Merci pour votre soutien

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Pétition lancée: 24/05/2021
Fin de la pétition: 23/07/2021
Région: Zurich
Catégorie: Santé

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