Buitenlands beleid

To oppose sanctions and war threats against Iran

Indiener niet openbaar
Petitie is gericht aan
An die Parteien im Deutschen Bundestag, an die Gewerkschaften und Wirtschaftsverbände

261 handtekeningen

Petent heeft de petitie niet ingediend of overgedragen.

261 handtekeningen

Petent heeft de petitie niet ingediend of overgedragen.

  1. Begonnen 2019
  2. Handtekeningeninzameling voltooid
  3. Ingediend
  4. Dialoog
  5. Mislukt

De petitie is gericht aan: An die Parteien im Deutschen Bundestag, an die Gewerkschaften und Wirtschaftsverbände

With this appeal, we Iranians living in Germany turn to the parties in the German Bundestag, to the trade unions and business associations as well as to German and European civil societies.


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

The conflicting situation between the USA and Iran is currently intensifying. There is a risk that the tensions will lead to a momentous escalation up to a war with incalculable global consequences. Instead of war threats, urgent talks are needed to abide by the existence of the Nuclear Agreement (JCPOA) with Iran and to defuse the conflict. With the withdrawal of the US from the nuclear agreement, the daily lives of people in Iran have dramatically worsened. The notorious inflation in the country, which is most likely due to ubiquitous mismanagement and corruption, is becoming a galloping inflation and disastrous for the middle class, which has been the backbone of Iranian civil society. Especially Germany, as the central negotiator and contractor of the nuclear agreement and in view of the war experiences of the last decades, to which the country had taken a critical position, should show a particularly clear commitment to the preservation of the agreement and support peace and de-escalation in the tense Gulf region. The devastating US weaponry in Iraq should not be repeated. The main reason for the escalation of conflict in the Persian Gulf is undoubtedly the US government's decision to turn away from the path of diplomacy and dialogue with Iran, and instead take the dangerous path of military saber-rattling and intensification of regional rivalries. This is well known to the German government. Therefore, the Federal Government and the German media are obliged to truthfully inform the public about the causes of the present situation. In addition, we urge you to do everything in your power and responsibility to oppose the illegal sanctions against Iran, to stand up for the rescue of the Iran Atomic Agreement and the lifting of sanctions, to end the war resulting in human sacrifices and to prevent further disasters in the region. In this spirit, we call on the Federal Government and all members of the Bundestag, the trade unions and trade associations: 1. Actively engage in diplomatic and civil conflict resolution and oppose any kind of escalation and aggression in the US-Iran conflict. 2. Exclude any German support for a war against Iran, let alone a German participation in it unmistakably and in principle. 3. Do not allow under any circumstances the use of the Air Base Ramstein or the EUCOM in Stuttgart

We invite all people, who live in Germany and are actively willing to oppose a war in Iran, to sign this petition and send a broad civil signal against further escalation in the Middle East. We all know that war and peace in the region have direct consequences for the people of Europe and Germany!

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Gegevens met betrekking tot de petitie

Petitie gestart: 31-07-2019
De petitie eindigt: 27-10-2019
Regio: Duitsland
Categorie: Buitenlands beleid

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