Região: Alemanha
Imagem da petição Verbot von HighSpeed Trading,  Aktien Leerverkaeufen,  Spekulationen mit Nahrungsmitteln

Verbot von HighSpeed Trading, Aktien Leerverkaeufen, Spekulationen mit Nahrungsmitteln

Requerente não público
A petição é dirigida a
Deutscher Bundestag Petitionsausschuss

45 Assinaturas

O peticionário não entregou a petição.

45 Assinaturas

O peticionário não entregou a petição.

  1. Iniciado 2015
  2. Colecta finalizada
  3. Submetido
  4. Diálogo
  5. Falhado

A petição é dirigida a: Deutscher Bundestag Petitionsausschuss

Deutsche Version:

Zwischen Kauf und Verkauf von Wertpapieren ( und umgekehrt ) muss ein gewisses Zeitfenster eingehalten werden. Damit soll verhindert werden, dass z.B. Zeitzonen ausgenutzt werden oder automatisiertes und hochfrequentes Handeln stattfindet, welches nur Profit basiert ist und keinerlei Wertschoepfung bietet - im Gegenteil, den Markt verunsichert und somit unetisch ist.

Auch sollen Prozesse und finanzielle Konstrukte verboten werden, die auf steigende oder fallende Kurse spekulieren / wetten ( Stichwort: Leerverkaeufe ), speziell auch, wenn sich die Wertpapiere gar nicht im Besitz des Spekulanten befinden.

Ferner muessen Spekulationen mit Nahrungsmitteln, Getreide und anderer Ernte-Gueter verboten werden, da es unetisch und indirekt unmenschlich ist.

English version:

Between buying and selling orders (and vice versa) there has to be a certain time window so that for example taking advantage of time zones, automated and fast processing of data ( highspeed trading ) to gain profit is prohibited. This has nothing to do with the idea of a stock market but is sheer speculation and unethical.

Also processes / constructs of long trade (speculating the stock price goes up) or short trade (speculating the stock price goes down) especially without owning the respective stocks have to be prohibited.

Also speculations on foods and crops have to be barred - it's unethical.


Today's Financial System: The crisis we had recently (in the 2000's) and due to that the situation we are in right now are homemade.

A Bank's job is: - Take money from someone who has money to put in the bank and give him an interest. - With this money the bank is to grant loans to others who need money and take an interest for that. - The difference of these two interest rates is what the bank lives of.

If a bank gets money from the ferderal reserve bank or government then this must be tied to rules that the bank uses that money to grant credits to companies so it is invested so the economy can grow.

Investment banking has to be decoupled from the regular banking. Constructs like Credit Default Swaps (CDS) etc. have to be barred. Investment bankers should use their brain power to create wealth for our society and not knock it down with risky constructs which are time bombs. Behind a loan has to be a real security not complex, intransparent risk swaps or whatever where in the end no one knows where the actual risk / security lies anymore.

A Stock Market's job is: - To collect money from investors to finance projects, initiatives, etc. which would be too big for a single company. - The shareholder in return participates on the profit this stock listed company makes; and also shares losses the company makes.

In every endeavour a stock listed company undertakes there must be a base to create a value added either on a product or a service. Meaning, the stock market is not for speculation but for investments. That's why processes / constructs of long trade (speculating the stock price goes up) or short trade (speculating the stock price goes down) especially without owning the respective stocks have to be prohibited.

Also speculations on foods and crops have to be barred - it's unethical.

Between buying and selling orders (and vice versa) there has to be a certain time window so that for example taking advantage of time zones, automated and fast processing of data ( highspeed trading ) to gain profit is prohibited. This has nothing to do with the idea of a stock market but is sheer speculation and unethical.

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Detalhes da petição

Petição iniciada: 09/10/2015
Petição termina: 08/04/2016
Região: Alemanha
Categoria: Economia


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    der Petent oder die Petentin hat innerhalb der letzten 12 Monate nach Ende der Unterschriftensammlung keine Neuigkeiten erstellt und den Status nicht geändert. openPetition geht davon aus, dass die Petition nicht eingereicht oder übergeben wurde.

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Unsere Gutmenschen Petition braucht keine deutsche Übersetzung.

let them trade but make them pay ! They use regular markets. Why not charge them a special trading fee tax of say 0.05% f That will kill hundreds of millions of useless high speed trades. Raised tax money should definitely not go to a state but should be used for a crisis fund with clear limited purpose (i.e. deposit protection ). I know it's only a dream ...

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