We as energetic spirits are creators of climate change due to unconscious mind set

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Bitte geben Sie Quellen (Links/URLs) für die folgenden Aussagen an: - Der Mensch, die Gesamtheit der Menschen sind energieausstrahlende Wesen einzeln und im Gesamten als Schwarmintelligenz von etwa 7,5 Milliarden Menschen. Durch unsere Gedankenkonstrukte informieren wir das uns umgebende Energiefeld, dass in Vibrationen 99% der Umgebungsenergie eines jeden Lebewesens ausmacht. Dieses unbewusst erschaffene Gedankenkonstrukt erzeugt Gefühle, diese führen zu Handlungen und Verhaltensweisen. - Der Großteil der Menschheit, informiert dieses Energiefeld mit negativen Schwingungen, so daß wir atmosphärisch unter diesen Folgen zu leiden haben. Sie tun dies UNBEWUSST, durch eigene negative Stimmungen, Überzeugenen, Wiederholung erlittener Mangelsituationen. Diese in Kindheit, Schule, Beruf, Parterschaften, finanziellen Verbindungen etc. erzeugten Situationen sind durch emotionale Abhhängigkeit entstanden - alles unbewusst selbsterzeugte Mangelsituationen, die auf der Seele ein Prägungsmuster aus Verletzungen, Schmerzen, Ängsten, Suchtverhalten etc. hinterlassen. Dieses Prägungsrelief wird dann wie ein Stempelabdruck auf jede Situation, jeden Menschen, jede Verbindung gepresst und füttert dieses energetisch negativ aufgeladene Energiefeld immer wieder. - Alles ist einst entstanden aus der Einheit von Liebe, Freude, Frieden – also insgesamt vollkommener Fülle. Diese Fülle ist wurde uns bei Geburt mit in die Wege gelegt als "Licht der Welt". Dieses Licht der Welt wird besonders in der westlichen Welt systematisch in Strukturen von Familie, Schule, Arbeit gepresst, die das Annehmen der einst vollkommenen Fülle verhindern. Woran liegt das? Der Mensch wurde als Individuum erschaffen, kann aber laut Stammhirn nur in der Gemeinschaft überleben. So passt er sich permanent den Gegebenheiten an und unterdrückt die durch ihn wirkende einzigartige Energie. Die hieraus entstehenden Krisen sind menschengemacht, sind systemisch bedingt ein Teufelskreis aus immer neu erzeugten Mangelsituationen, die Negativenergie in die Atmosphäre abgeben. Aus dieser Atmosphäre entsteht unser Wetter. Das einst wohlwollende Energiefeld (Bezeichnung von Albert Einstein), das jedes Wesens als einzigartige genauso gewollte Individualität erschaffen hat und auch beständig mit wohlwollender Energie durch planetaren Austausch von Schwingungsmuster beliefert, wird durch menschengemachte Systeme und unser Reptiliengehirn unbewusst ins Gegenteil verkehrt. Dies informiert und transformiert das ursprünglich wohlwollend erschaffene Energiefeld mit negativer Energie. Diese negative Energie ist in uns und bildet unsere Umgebung in Form negativ aufgeladener Schwingungsmuster. - Da im Himmel und auf Erden gleiche Bedingungen erschaffen wurden und das Gesetz der Resonanz gilt, werden diese von uns unbewusst negativ erzeugten Schwingungen genauso so beantwortet. Anders ist es nicht möglich, denn diese naturwissenschaftlichen Gesetze gelten universell und sind nicht durch den Menschen veränderbar. Dieses Energiefeld wirkt durch die Elemente Wasser, Feuer, Erde und Luft und bilden zusammen die Atmosphäre. Diese Atmosphäre wird permanent durch den Austausch von Schwingungen im gesamten planetarischen Raum informiert. Immer in der Art und Weise, wie Mutter Erde und ihre Bewohner, nämlich wir, in den Äther schicken. Mangelbewusstsein erzeugt negative Energie, Bewusstsein vollkommener Fülle antwortet mit positiver Energie. - Die Schöpfung ist als Homöostase angelegt. Eine Art Perpetuum mobile, sich selbst regulierend. Immer entsteht im großen Energiefeld genau dieser Wetterphänomen, was lokal, regional oder auch national gerade gebraucht wird, um ausgleichend auf die Mangelsituation einzuwirken. Um nur ein Beispiel zu nennen: Wasser dient als Informationsträger der Reinigung und Heilung. Dabei ist die Wassermenge in der Atmosphäre unveränderlich – sie ändert nur die Lokalität und Erscheinungsform. Denn auch Mutter Erde ist ein Teil der Schöpfung und bildet als zu Materie verdichtete Energie unsere Quelle für jedwede Nahrung auf körperlicher, also materieller Ebene. - Die Schöpfung schenkt uns aktuell eine besondere planetare Konstellation, wie sie vor etwa 2.000 Jahren ähnlich vorhanden war. Es besteht eine gigantische Möglichkeit, den Klimawandel durch Bewusstseins aktiv in möglichst breite Bevölkerungsschichten zu tragen. Dort durch transpersonalen Austausch des Umgangs mit eigenen Energien massiv Einfluß auf das eigene Lebensglück, eigene Gesundheit, gelebte Beziehungen privater und beruflicher Natur nehmen zu können. So insgesamt atmosphärisch positiv geladen, "Wetterkatastrophen" und ihre Auswirkungen abwenden zu können, für ein Miteinander auf Augenhöhe zu sorgen und in Harmonie zu Weltfrieden zu finden. Wir sind kein Thermometer der Umgebungswärme, wird sind das Thermostat und regeln Energien weltweit. - Dies funktioniert durch reine Gedankenkraft, die sich stark vom eigenen Willen unterscheidet. Denn die Reinheit erfordert das Erzeugen des inneren Friedens. Sich selbst in jeder Situtation in Ruhe und Frieden SEIN lassen zu können ermöglicht erst die Annahme anderer Lebewesen in Ruhe und Frieden.

O iniciador ou iniciadora da petição foi informado/a da violação dos Termos e Condições pelos editores da openPetition e teve cinco dias para rever a petição. Isto não aconteceu. A petição foi, portanto, bloqueada.

Texto da petição

www.dieklimawandlerinkatja.com ( under construction )
Scientists and experts in that field: Prof. Ulrich Warnke, Dieter Broers, Rupert Sheldrake, Joe Dispenza, David Wilcock, Bruce Lipton, Albert Einstein, Sven Plöger
The human being, the totality of human beings are energy-radiating beings individually and collectively as swarm intelligence of around 7.5 billion people. Through our thought constructs, we inform the surrounding energy field that vibrations make up 99% of the surrounding energy of every living being. This unconsciously created thought construct creates feelings, these lead to actions and behaviors.
The majority of mankind informs this energy field with negative vibrations, so that atmospherically we have to suffer from these consequences. You do this UNCONSCIOUSLY, through your own negative moods, convictions, repetition of deficiency situations you have suffered. These situations created in childhood, school, job, partnerships, financial connections etc. are the result of emotional dependency - all unconsciously self-created deficiency situations that leave a pattern of injuries, pain, fears, addictive behavior etc. on the soul. This embossed relief is then pressed onto every situation, every person, every connection like a stamp and feeds this energetically negatively charged energy field again and again. This is made possible by the peculiarity of our human brain, which is exclusively concerned with survival and species conservation. For many, many generations, our biochemical system has been increasingly adapted to the requirements of evolution, namely to secure and improve the chances of reproduction and survival. Actions that are useful in this sense are translated into a feeling of well-being in sensory perception with a very tricky reward system made up of biochemical processes. Until the next situation brings this feeling of wellbeing to an abrupt end. However, this is intended differently by creation. Everything was once created from the unity of love, joy, peace - that is, total fullness. This abundance was put in our way at birth as "the light of the world". This light of the world is systematically pressed into structures of family, school and work, especially in the western world, which prevent the acceptance of the once perfect abundance. Why is that? Humans were created as individuals, but according to the brain stem they can only survive in a community. So it constantly adapts to the circumstances and suppresses the unique energy that acts through it. The resulting crises are man-made, are systemically caused a vicious circle of constantly newly created deficiency situations that release negative energy into the atmosphere. Our weather arises from this atmosphere. The once benevolent energy field (name of Albert Einstein), which created every being as a unique, equally wanted individuality and which is also constantly supplied with benevolent energy through planetary exchange of vibration patterns, is unconsciously reversed by man-made systems and our reptilian brain. This informs and transforms the originally benevolently created energy field with negative energy. This negative energy is in us and forms our environment in the form of negatively charged vibration patterns. Since the same conditions were created in heaven and on earth and the law of resonance applies, these unconsciously negatively generated vibrations are answered in the same way. Otherwise it is not possible, because these scientific laws apply universally and cannot be changed by humans. This energy field works through the elements water, fire, earth and air and together form the atmosphere. This atmosphere is permanently informed by the exchange of vibrations in the entire planetary space. Always in the way that Mother Earth and her inhabitants, namely us, send into the ether. Deficiency consciousness generates negative energy, consciousness of perfect abundance responds with positive energy.
Creation is designed as a homeostasis. A kind of perpetual motion machine, self-regulating. Exactly this weather phenomenon always occurs in the large energy field, what is needed locally, regionally or even nationally in order to compensate for the deficiency situation. To give just one example: water serves as an information carrier for purification and healing. The amount of water in the atmosphere is unchangeable - it only changes the locality and appearance. Because mother earth is also part of creation and, as energy condensed into matter, forms our source for any nourishment on a physical, i.e. material level.

Creation currently gives us a special planetary constellation similar to the one that existed about 2,000 years ago. There is a gigantic possibility of actively carrying climate change into the broadest possible sections of the population through awareness. There, through the transpersonal exchange of dealing with one's own energies, being able to have a massive influence on one's happiness in life, one's own health, and lived relationships of a private and professional nature. So overall, positively charged, to be able to avert "weather catastrophes" and their effects, to ensure a togetherness at eye level and to find world peace in harmony. We are not a thermometer of ambient heat, we are the thermostat and regulate energies worldwide.
This works through pure thought power, which is very different from one's own will. Because purity requires the creation of inner peace. To be able to BE in peace and quiet in every situation only enables the acceptance of other living beings in peace and quiet.
It is impossible to fight for tolerance and peace. The fighter thus proves his own intolerance and discord. This did not arise in unity at the beginning of creation, but only when man and his creation of hierarchical relationships entered the stage of life. Originated from the evolutionary task. Every demonstration, no matter how peaceful it is, is always a form of SUBJECTION. The absence of a sense of unity, this is especially true here in Germany.
I do not feel like a valuable unity of body, mind and soul, as originally planned by creation and I give the responsibility for it to the outside. From a climatic point of view, many weather phenomena have intensified and occurred more often than before in the last 100 years. The world population has roughly quadrupled in the last century, industrialization and the increased use of machines have reduced human muscle work and broken the natural rhythm of waking and sleeping. Universally, this period is characterized by two world wars, increased use of weapon energy, exploitation of raw materials from mother earth for industrialization. Female fertility, giving birth to new life, cherishing, caring for and resting are trampled upon. The natural cycle of waxing and maturing created by the highest authority, which every woman knows from her deepest level, is pushed to the extreme point of growth. Now the pendulum is swinging back and demanding the neglected and suppressed tire, that is, the great post-aging worldwide. Externally through our lack of awareness generated by Corona and the evaluation of the situation in good and bad. There was massive interpersonal climate cold, in some places even climate icing. Creation never acts evil, but always benevolently based on what we have energetically emitted and responds to our behavior with global warming in order to ensure compensation overall. 
Idea of ​​my climate goals:
1) Uncover your own drive patterns that run automatically in the subconscious 
2) Accept these benevolently - BE at peace with them
3) Inwardly transforming yourself into a positive through awareness and personal responsibility 
4) WELL-BEING OUTSIDE spreaded by this inner peace
5) Let others, also other nations, BE different - it's good as it is
6) Integrate your BEING DIFFERENT into your own system 
7) BE in original trust that the creation has a balancing effect on extreme imbalance 
8) BE GRATEFUL for the diversity of creatures
9) HELP others without wanting to change them in your own way
10) Trust in creation who puts inner wisdom in each individual and each collective, TO COMMUNICATE DIRECTLY WITH IT and TO BE IN PEACE
Thank you very much for supporting me in this matter of finally giving the energetic connections through human behavior and atmospheric responses the attention it needs to serve all of creation and without exception all creatures.

Ajude a fortalecer a participação cívica. Queremos que as suas preocupações sejam ouvidas, permanecendo independentes.

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