Regione: Inghilterra
Immagine della petizione Wembley European Championship soccer final should be without spectators!

Wembley European Championship soccer final should be without spectators!

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2 Supporto

La petizione è stata ritirata dal promotore

2 Supporto

La petizione è stata ritirata dal promotore

  1. Iniziato 2021
  2. Raccolta voti terminata
  3. Presentata
  4. Dialogo
  5. Mancate

Soccer final in Wembley should take place without spectators.


Just today, the officials from the Olympic committee and Japanese authorities have announced that the Olympic games will be held without spectators due to rising cases of Coronavirus.
The Delta variant is currently also on the rise in England. Therefore and out of solidarity for Japan, UEFA should mandate that the final of the European Championship in Wembley take place without spectators.

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