What Is Salsa Dance?

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 Salsa is a sexy, very energetic and fun partner dance. It is a dance and a musical style with deep Caribbean and African roots. It's very popular in almost all Latin America, and among Latino communities in the United States. The salsa rhythm is widely recognized for being catchy, sensual, and easy to learn, yet very difficult to master. But it is one of the most popular Latin dances that is today practiced worldwide.
Salsa dancing has many fast turns, exciting footwork, rhythmic hip movements, and lively music. Dancers rely on the movement of their legs and upper bodies to convey the energy and motion of the dance. Salsa makes them come closure to each other, and energize some beautiful vibes inside. They may also integrate solo breaks known as ‘shines’ into their routines. Some dancers prefer to adhere to choreography while others adopt a freestyle approach. Styles are discernible by elements like foot movements, dance patterns, timing and the attitudes of the dancers. One of the great things about salsa is that it can be danced to live salsa music. Salsa is danced over 8-beats of music, generally the dancer moves on three beats, pauses on one beat, moves on another three beats and makes a pause on the last beat. The style determines which foot matches with which beat.
There are different types of Salsa dancing. The Cuban-style salsa in which the Cuban step forms a fundamental part here. This is where the leader performs a backward basic step on 1-2-3, followed by a basic forward step on 5-6-7. The follower then copies the leader. The second one is the Colombian salsa, synonymous with side to side dancing in a circular motion, with limited back to forward steps. Other 토토 dances incorporating salsa sequences include the samba, zouk, the merengue, cha-cha and bachata. More and more people are learning and enjoying salsa. They are also continuing to integrate their own styles into the form, such as hip hop and middle-eastern dance. While it is a relatively young movement form, salsa is a vibrant and growing part of the world's dance culture.

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