Lipa Rath

Lipa, a Level-3 Practitioner with over 2500 hours of regression work, was exposed to Edgar Cayce's works and magic shows as a child. Her curiosity led her to explore the world of magic and miracles. As a Level-3 Practitioner, she helps clients access their soul and Akashic Records, helping them uncover their starseed origins and retrieve valuable knowledge.

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Growing up in a family of Theosophists, Lipa was exposed to the works of Edgar Cayce, the 20th century American mystic, that awakened her curiosity about higher and altered states of consciousness - from this state one can retrieve information, knowledge and healing.
Seeing magic shows as a child, Lipa always wanted to be a magician. Through the work of QHHT, Dolores Cannon opened the door for her to explore the world of magic and miracles.
One of Lipa’s biggest strengths is her curiosity, which makes her ask the right questions to her clients, helping them to gently open up to the wisdom and love of their Higher Self.
As a Level-3 Practitioner with over 2500 hours of regression work, Lipa enjoys helping her clients gain access to their soul, or their higher self. As people are opening about their own starseed origins, a session with Lipa helps them to explore their Akashic Records and retrieve the invaluable knowledge and wisdom of their soul.

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