Bundestagswahlkreis Mittelems

Direct mandates in Deutscher Bundestag Germany

party: CDU

Faction: CDU/CSU

electoral district: Mittelems

Parliamentarian from the constituency in Deutscher Bundestag Germany

party: SPD

Faction: SPD

electoral district: Mittelems

party: FDP

Faction: FDP

electoral district: Mittelems

Constituency radar Mittelems

Germany more constituencies


constituency number: 31
constituency type: Bundestagswahlkreis
region: Germany
elected on: 24 Sep 2017
Election on: 2021

post codes in Bundestagswahlkreis Mittelems

  • 48455
  • 48465
  • 48480
  • 48488
  • 48499
  • 48527
  • 48529
  • 48531
  • 49716
  • 49740
  • 49744
  • 49770
  • 49774
  • 49808
  • 49809
  • 49811
  • 49824
  • 49828
  • 49832
  • 49835
  • 49838
  • 49843
  • 49844
  • 49846
  • 49847
  • 49849

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