About the petition Tierverbrauch - Recht auf Alternativen für Studierende der Universität zu Köln

Köln: Not public*, Anita Neumann*, Not public*, Annika Wehling*, Not public*, Berenice Gruchot*, Bernd Krampe*, Not public, Caren Papcke*, Carina Otte*, Not public*, Not public*, Not public*, Daria Tschaikowskaja*, Debora Johannsen*, Dennis Müller*, Elke Stenzel-Stiel*, Not public*, Not public*, Havva Sancak*, Ingrid kulartz*, Jan Kruse*, Not public*, Jennifer Koster*, Not public*, Not public*, Jonas Thiele*, Jürgen Matthes*, Not public*, Jutta Piepenbring*, Karina Henning*, Kathleen Grüter*, Keno Böhme*, Not public*, Lena Ritter*, Not public*, Luisa Schwab*, Not public*, Magdalena Dudzik*, Maja Knezevic*, Marc Lohner*, Not public*, Miriam Neidhard*, Not public*, Nadine Erb*, Nadine Kellner*, Nadine Schröteler*, Nina Cremer*, Not public*, Not public*, Rolf Grund*, Ruth Neumann*, Samira Negahdaran*, Sandra Bisdorff*, Sarah Schuhmacher*, Not public*, Not public*, Not public*, Not public*, Stefanie Retterbush*, Susanne Pott*, Susanne sophia Biermann*, Sven Hammans*, Not public*, Not public*, Tim Gehler*, Not public*, Ursula Bauer*, Not public*, Vanessa Kohlgrüber*, Not public*, Not public*, Not public*, Yonca Nachtsheim*, Not public*

(* These signatures count towards the quorum.)

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