About the petition Vergütung des Praxissemesters im Lehramtsstudium

Ennigerloh: Not public*, Lina Vering *, Not public*
Everswinkel: Hanna Marie Kemker*, Harald Beyer*, Marc Roer*, Not public*
Oelde: Not public*, Not public*, Not public*, Not public*, Not public*, Not public*, Not public*, Sandra Mense*, Not public*, Theresa Voeth*
Ostbevern: Not public*
Sassenberg: Not public*, Not public*
Telgte: Arnika Dirkes*, Not public*, Not public*, Not public*, Not public*, Not public*
Warendorf: Not public*, Not public*, Not public*, Not public*, Not public*, Marina Thüsing*, Philipp Wenning*, Not public*, Not public*, Not public*, Viktoria Rudolph*

(* These signatures count towards the quorum.)

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