Reprezentantul Franziska Schubert

Declarație privind petiția Kindergarten free of charge for all - abolish pre-school fees!

BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN, ultima editare pe 20.11.2018

Baza de decizie este o decizie a Grupului BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN

Susțin o audiere publică în comisia tehnică.

Dear Felix Gottwald,
dear supporters of the petition „Kindergarten free of charge for all - abolish pre-school fees!”,

thanks for your commitment and the possibility to response.

I share your assessment that pre-school institutions mean education and support and thus represent an investment in our future. They not only serve care, but must basically be understood as educational institutions. Early childhood development lays the foundations for the educational biography. Especially for children from difficult social circumstances, daycare facilities can compensate for initial disadvantages arising from their background or social environment. They thus make a decisive contribution to more educational justice.

I believe that day-care centers as educational establishments need first and foremost a good pedagogical conception, sufficient and qualified staff as well as a fair framework - especially time - to be able to fulfill their intended tasks. But it is precisely in the qualitative expansion of day care for children that Saxony still has a lot of catching up to do. The personnel key in pre-school institutions belong to the worst in comparison. The adequate staffing is one of the basic quality features of good daycare facilities.

I think it is problematic if - for example, with the „Gute-Kita-Gesetz“, which is currently being negotiated at the federal level - suggests that quality improvements and freedom of contribution is possible to get at the same time and for comparatively little (and limited!) Federal money. What is missing is a nationwide quality law with binding quality criteria! We argue for this, as well as for long-term co-financing by the federal government. If there is not enough money to provide adequate and high quality childcare places, it will not help if the place you get is free.

A good kindergarten can also cost a bit. Surveys show that a large proportion of parents would contribute to the costs, if it improves the care of their children. I support a staggering of the contributions, so that even parents with low income can afford the care place for their child. In addition, I see it critically that the parental contributions are so different. At least within one state, a place should have a clear "price tag". In a conversation with parent representatives of kindergarten children, a limitation of the contribution amount was suggested, for example by coupling to the amount of the child benefit. I find this approach very constructive and easy to justify. We will continue to pursue this in our parliamentary work.

Best regards,
Franziska Schubert

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