Upload a collection sheet to a petition

The collection sheet will be uploaded for this petition:

Petition: Herr Storm, stoppen Sie die Stoma-Ausschreibung der DAK-Gesundheit!
Region: deutschlandweit
Recipients: Andreas Storm, Vorstand der DAK-Gesundheit

(Not the right petition? Then click here .)

Uploading signatures is only possible until 7 days after the end of the collection!


Uploading signatures is only possible until 7 days after the end of the collection!

City of signature

You can enter the postcode, city and email address for each paper signature. Please do not enter the names of the signatories.

Paper signatures are valid even without a location. However, the signatures will not be shown on the map and will not be taken into account when calculating the quorum.

All signatures are taken into account for the total number of signatures.


If you use collection forms that were not created by openPetition , you must include your name and address. There must also be a privacy policy:

Data privacy policy
This signature sheet will be uploaded to https://www.openpetition.de/ as an image. Your data will be saved with your postcode and city so that your signature can be counted. If you would like to stay informed by email, you agree to the storage of your email address. You can revoke this consent at any time.

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