Embléma Interessenvertretung ungeborener Menschen

Interessenvertretung ungeborener Menschen

The association 'Interessenvertretung ungeborener Menschen' (IVUM) is committed to the full recognition of human rights before birth.
We believe, that every human being is equally valuable right from the beginning of his physical existence. Since his conception, he is a unique, human, living being, which is clearly recognizable by its DNA. Most other views about being human are metaphysical and interest-driven.
Even the smallest person has an equal right to protection and care since his birth.
His human dignity can not grow or shrink, and is independent on size, age, body shape, health or abilities.
You can not solve social problems by killing people.
Pregnant women need something better than abortion.
We need solutions for life.

weboldal : www.ungeborene.de

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