
Çfarë janë argumentet kundër këtij peticioni?

Cry babies

Culture IS a luxury good. Go and talk to your grandparents, go and bother them with your frustration over closed theatres, pubs and music venues. They'll tell you stories about how they SURVIVED wars without any public entertainment. Just go to the job centre and claim money from there for the time this virus is around - all you have to do is survive the first 3 months (Sperre)...but I'm sure you'll get by with a cleaning job in the meantime. The public space needs get disinfected so there's loads to do.

burim : Art is not as important as you think


1 Kundër-argument
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Duke publikuar postimin tim, unë pranoj kushtet e përdorimit të openPetition dhe politikën e privatësisë. Raportohet fyerje, shpifje dhe deklarata të rreme të fakteve.

Ndihmoni në forcimin e pjesëmarrjes së qytetarëve. Ne duam t'i bëjmë shqetësimet tuaja të dëgjohen dhe të mbeten të pavarura.

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