
Mis räägib selle petitsiooni vastu?

Only for a small group of people

I can't see that there is something like a Right to live in one of the best quarters of Germany with low rents. That seems like a privilige for a small Group of People while others pay for it. How about diversity in the suburbs? Move to the suburbs and bring them diversity. Live is not a safe space with others paying for my feel good.

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1 vastuargument
Näita vastuargumente

Postituse avaldamisega nõustun openPetition kasutustingimuste ja privaatsuseeskirjadega . Teadvustatakse solvanguid, laimu ja ebaõigeid faktiväiteid.

Aidake tugevdada kodanikuosalust. Tahame teha Teie mured kuuldavaks, jäädes samas iseseisvaks.

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